Mooers Realty Blog


Homes For Sale In Houlton Maine Under 100000

Homes for sale in Houlton Maine under 100,000 dollars. It's no hoax or cruel joke. Happens all day long. Check out and see for yourself what's available for current housing available in this price bracket. Affordable homes, plenty of selection is never a problem when you are house hunting in rural parts of Maine. Most of Maine is sparsely populated, pretty much spacious and not jammed in. We are a tad...


Homes For Sale In Maine With Land | Maine Land Listings

Homes for sale in Maine with land. Maine land listings. One of the largest tapped flavors of real estate listings people in the local Houlton Maine area and from out of state search. How much Maine land to go with the homes for sale depends on the lifestyle choice. If all the home buyer wants some extra land surrounding their house, it may be for a little added privacy. To raise that big vegetable or...


Selling Your Home, What Makes It Worth More For Resale ?

Selling your home and wondering how to make it worth more for resale? Every real estate market behaves differently. What expenditures yield the biggest return bang for your buck varies depending on the community. But we can all agree on one thing selling your home in Maine? Everyone wants to know what helps or hurts a home sale so they don't waste time or money. This blog posts drills down into the topic...


Real Estate Market In Maine | What’s My Home Worth?

How's the real estate market in Maine? What's my home worth today? The bottom line number. What could I expect to walk away with, to net for a final line figure after all the expenses in my home sale? The purpose of this blog post article to answer the questions that I get asked a lot as a real estate broker about how's the market and today what's the value of homes in Maine. These real estate...


First Time Buying A Home In Maine

First time buying a home in Maine? Or too many moons ago since you bought your last house? Buying a home is a pretty big decision. It's not something most of us do very many times in life. How to help make the real estate experience exciting and successfu? Rather than a horror show of unnecessary high emotions and total frustration. This helpful blog post will avoid sleepiness nights and...


Community Pages, Real Estate Listings | Go Together Like Peas & Carrots.

Community pages , real estate listings, they do go together like peas and carrots. Yes Jennie, you need both if the audience of buyers includes local AND brand new to the area outside real estate buyers. Locals like being in the know of new events, the buzz of anything happening around them. And out of state Maine real estate buyers are alway hungry, starving for local information. To help them feel...


Marijuana Law, In Maine How It Affects Listings, Selling Real Estate.

Marijuana law, what does the latest legislation surrounding pot do to affect the Maine real estate listing, selling process? Since the state legalized marijuana at the polls, lots of balls to juggle went sky high up into the air. A few have dropped but many remain still hanging in mid air waiting. For clarification on how does Maine and its muncipalities actually move forward with legalized marijuana. Back...


Maine Real Estate Market Report | How Are Single Family Houses Selling?

Welcome to the round up, the Maine real estate market report on how single family homes are selling. This blog post is a snap shot of listing, selling activity in Maine. But remember, the state of Maine is one tall, wide area to sum up in one cut and dry current real estate market report. In the beginning of the blog post on the real estate market, the inventory will be discussed and then the listing...


Pet Friendly Real Estate Listings, Thinking About Puff And Spot Buying A Home In Maine.

The home buyers we deal with factor in their animals, all of their pets in most Maine real estate purchases. Studies show over eighty percent of home buyers consider their furry friends in any house selection. Fully ninety five percent in one Harris poll survey show the home owner considers their pet as part of the family. Spot is not a dog, he is a little person in a fur coat right? Your grandmother does...


Buying A Cheap Repo Home In Maine, To Fix And Flip.

Buying a cheap repo home in Maine to fix and flip. What about the resale? What needs to be considered and never forgotten? Like every other real estate market on the globe, no two behave carbon copy. No matter where you look, there are local customs of what features bring more or less in the resale of any home. In any property market, there are areas worth improving and others to leave alone when flipping...

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