What to do for fun in Northern Maine, what recreational options exist in “The County”?
Well pace yourself. Lots happens year round in Aroostook, the largest of the sixteen Maine counties.
It just starts with picking a season. A month or week in it. So many of the four color brochures for parts of Maine show little time put into keeping them fresh, current and pertinent.
So you have to dig deeper.
To find the juiciest, sometimes most elusive but memorable.
Word of mouth from the locals is the best source but gee.
You might miss something that is rich and rewarding but just under publicized. Not thousand watt marketed to spread the word. To reach out to the masses.
The best experiences in Northern Maine are not highly publicized.
Which keeps them special, intimate and away from the distraction of commercial hoopla. The marketing blitz surrounding many tourist attractions in Maine. That demand a high volume of participants to underwite and monitize them.
So here goes to delve into a list of suggestions of stuff to do in Northern Maine.
An attempt to digitally splash some events that happen yearly in Northern Maine. That you return to and hopefully feel part of as the year’s tick by. Looking forward to the next event in Northern Maine as soon as the last one is in the history books.
For starters, Houlton Maine is the County Seat or “Shiretown” of this northern section of “Vacationland”. In the beginning, Joseph Houlton and the gang set up shop just after the 1800’s barely started to roll.
Let’s jump right into a summer month like June and hit some highlights of a list to be added to so double back. Revisit and see additions, changes, reworking of this evolving blog post.
The state of Maine Soap Box Derby is held every June on Derby Hill in Houlton ME’s community park. See youth nine to seventeen compete in the down hill, kit car gravity racing.
It’s all downhill.
Look Mom.
No engine but the forces of nature being harnessed to the fullest.
Where the winner of the stock and superstock divisions is sent to Akron Ohio. For the World Series of Soap Box Derby Racing. An event held continuously since 1934.
While in Houlton Maine check out Cary Library.
An Andrew Carneigie Library built with native granite from Cochran Lake in New Limerick. Many will say they judge an area in Maine by it’s library, the medical facilities. Houlton Maine is a border town with the province of New Brunswick Canada.
So feel free to hop the border to cross country shop and explore. We are all related and no, it is not dangerous being this close to Canada as I get quizzed often.
Saunter through the historic Market Square in Houlton Maine for the Farmers Community Market held throughout the warmer months of the calendar. Something every single time you visit to keep it new and different tasty way.
You never know who new is added to the downtown Market Square collection.
The Farmer’s Outdoor Market collection of producers, vendors along the center median strip is vast.
See other community events for Southern Aroostook County at this link.
What else happens in June in the County? Mapleton Daze, check out the Central Aroostook County site for more details on this and other happenings to consider attending.
Thursdays On Sweden, check out the site. Or the Mid Sommars Festival is worth reviewing to consider it as something new you have never done. The cultural heritage of Northern Maine runs deep.
Pride in the past and reliving it so no generation misses out on their heritage drives these local hands on events. Where entire communities are responsible for the man power to pull them off year after year.
Mapleton Maine has a Maple Meadow Farm Festival and you can contact 207.764.3276 for more on this event.
You can see that lots revolves around the farming operations that along with lumbering put Northern Maine on the map.
As the bread basket, the “Garden of Maine”.
More on that topic at the Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum located in Littleton Maine. Take the visit and return to tour. To begin to see how hard but rewarding the early years of Northern Maine farming really were.
In June, the many area lakes and state parks have local options to cool off.
To take a dip. Or wet the fishing line. Angling for lunch of brook trout or land lock salmon.
Everything in between that revolves around being on or beside the waterfront in Northern Maine. Boating, sailing, kayak options on the plentiful supply of Maine lakes makes the Northern section of “Vacationland” a perfect choice.
Away from the well worn commercial playgrounds, typical east coast beach beats.
For the tourist heading across the big green bridge. At the southern end of Maine, the state that says it like it is. Here in Maine it is what life should be.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | info@mooersrealty.com |
MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton Maine 04730