Welcome to historic, friendly Hodgdon, Maine!
Things To Do For Fun
Get an ice cream at Mill Pond Dairy Bar. Enjoy some take out fresh grilled food before your ice cold dairy treat on the picnic tables overlooking the flowage. Where years ago, ice was harvested in the winter to ship by railroad cars to the sunny south for home made refrigeration.
Local grandfather E. Shirley Benn lost one of his best farm work horses that drowned during ice harvesting one season. Learn more about the interesting history of Hodgdon Maine with a visit and stop at the town office to speak with manager Jim Griffin or his assistant Cheryl Cameron.
Take in an exciting Hodgdon Hawks sports team game in the gym or sitting on outdoor bleaches at one of the ball fields.

All the recreational trails lead in and out of Hodgdon Maine. Rickie Tidd and his family operate a sport vehicles business and can sell or repair whatever your ride for four wheel ATV or snow sled right here in Hodgdon Maine.
The scenery, the wildlife, the waterfront and being on the Canadian US border makes this Northern Maine town a natural beauty. Unlike city living with the noise, smells, crime and just too much development combined with slow or not moving traffic, Hodgdon Maine offers peace and tranquility.

Hodgdon Maine also has a policy of not taxing individual house building lots in a land subdivision until the first sub lot is sold.
That is a very progressive attitude that promotes creation of smaller lots for house building in the town of Hodgdon Maine. Otherwise it is not worth the expense of surveying, soil tested and the trips to get the approval on the muncipal level for creating a Northern Maine subdivision.