Homes for sale in Maine with land.
Maine land listings. One of the largest tapped flavors of real estate listings people in the local Houlton Maine area and from out of state search. How much Maine land to go with the homes for sale depends on the lifestyle choice. If all the home buyer wants some extra land surrounding their house, it may be for a little added privacy. To raise that big vegetable or flower garden. To build an added shop for restoring furniture, an old boat or antique cars.
Tinkering and having a hobby is so important to the newly retired. Who goes from forty hours or more a week to zip. Oh sure, the first thirty days are a wonderful experience but then boredom knocks on the door. I hear it often. I need a project to keep me busy and occupied when I retire and move to Maine. Those folks buy an old New England farmstead that may need repairs. But the buyer has the time and DIY skills to tackle those updates and renovations head on.
Some Maine real estate buyers are after acreage to wrap around their home.
Or just hankering vacant Maine land. Because the intention is to build now something brand new. Or they purchase the land with the thought of someday, down the road slowly putting up a structure or two on the property.
How much extra Maine land acreage house or no home depends on their budget.
You can be land poor and overloaded with so much acreage that it becomes a property tax burden.
Unless you rent out the fields or farm them yourself is the plan to make money playing in the fertile dirt.
When you live out of state in a populated, expensive area having lots of land around your home does not come cheap.
In Maine, big surprise … come and get it (dinner bell triangle ding ding ding) low cost land.
Served up hot and ready and even cheaper and super sized larger acreages too the further north east and west you push up into the state. A home for sale in Maine with land becomes so so much easier to make your own. Less expensive prices, not so many people, no traffic, and little crime happens too. Those bonus features and the four season beauty of Maine’s outdoor simple living helps the real estate listings sell themselves. Because it is not like this many other places. And the price tags hanging off the Maine land acreages are impressive.
Our job as a Maine real estate broker for forty years has evolved from less of a salesman to more of a good listener taking very detailed notes.
To glean what the real estate buyer on the other end of the phone call, the email request or the office visitor is saying. Those buyers if you provide them the time will tell you what they like or don”t enjoy about their present and past homes.
I learn what the future home with land for sale in Maine listing looks like in their head.
The one they dream about buying that causes them to list their present home out of state or locally is in the real estate inventory. Or the shopping list of “gotta have” and “don’t want” means I need to make calls one by one. To see if the potential sellers in the Rolodex file are ready to consider a sale.
A home with land could mean just a few open acres of pasture or field and the rest make it a woodlot with a stream please. Or the opposite request comes down off the phone lines, email inquiries.
The buyer needs 40 acres of land but make it half and half. Open front, wooded back.
Or even hear “I want it all wooded, don’t want to farm or rent the land out or have the chore of bush hogging to keep the open land cleared of brush.”
TIP – Giving away the hay is one easy solution when you are lucky enough to own some Maine land. To avoid the steady battle with young sapplings and weeds coming up in a manicured parcel of Maine land.
In real estate the old location location location has a more important obstacle.
It’s timing timing timing to put the ready, willing and able buyer together with the seller in the same mood. Or to help the relocating buyer looking for a home with land for sale in Maine who may have to sell first at least know what’s currently on the market. To do the “homework” and also bring them up to speed about the Maine communities where the real estate listings thumbnails appear on the search maps. So they are better prepared to buy and make better purchases when the timing improves.
More on buying your new home when selling your old one that illustrates the importance of everything timing out just so.
Some home sellers need to move it or lose it ad their is ASAP pressure to get to the real estate closing.
Others have their own set of loose ends to bring together. The not ready to buy today timing can work for the purchaser and seller who can benefit from a time delay. If the property has as the song goes “all the right junk in all the right places”.
What works for one buyer is not carbon copy for another.
What the buyer really wants could be
way way over budget.
All part of the job as a Maine real estate broker who has lots of sales situations and learned a thing or two along the way.
I love the job of “how can I help you?”. It’s more than just tell me about the real estate listing. The local area as the cub reporter living here is one avenue we travel daily.
The process of how do you get ready to buy, what about financing from local home mortgage loan bank lenders and the give me the names.
Of local service and product providers in Maine who are on the balll and will deliver a quality experience. When you are a brand new to the area Maine real estate buyer, the helpful hand on the local turf how things work best. That is what local service is all about right?
Living in small town rural Maine gives us an advantage that is passed along to the real estate buyer or seller. Being able to see red flags in a sale that hits a snag before it does. That takes experience on the local level.
Thinking of buying or selling Maine real estate?
Often the potential buyer is not so sure what they are after. That’s fine and you will never hear us say when you make the call or step into the real estate agency office lobby that I know exactly what you want. When you don’t and I am in the dark until a little talk between you and me happens.
Like a doctor that says what’s the problem to learn what caused the office or ER room visit today. Tell me where it hurts, the can you do this or that exam starts quickly to size up the situation. To not waste your time. To set expectations.
A helpful real estate professional asks questions, learns about your current property and what is causing the look for something different.
I have to figure how the match up of the budget, the wish list and what is available that could be the best real estate solution available considering all the limiting factors. It is rare that money is not an object.
Whether it’s a home for sale in Maine with land. Or something on the waterfront, a mom and pop small business listing or just land, let Mooers Realty help you when ready. Or want guidance and advice to avoid costly mistakes. Especially if you are you one in the audience searching hard. For the real estate listings for a home with land in Maine for sale.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | | MOOERS REALTY 69 North ST Houlton ME 04730 USA