How Far To Houlton Maine, Mileage Calculator Please.

maine coastal highways

The distance to northern Maine, how many miles?

How far to Houlton Maine from your end is hard telling without knowing where you are now! How far from here to there, to get you to Maine is going to take how long? Well, Maine is a big state. Daily run into folks on line, over the phone and when away on vacation that ask the age old question about how far to Houlton Maine.

 maine coastal highwaysAnd for many we know here it comes. When they initially share that they have been to Maine and that we must be near that same place.

No, we are not right next door to the Kittery Maine shopping outlets.

The location that is barely into Maine that is only a few whiskers across the big green bridge that connects to New Hampshire on the south end of Vacationland.

 Next up, I’ve been to Bar Harbor, Portland Maine on a cruise ship is shared.

We getting warmer? So Houlton Maine is handy to that location right?

No, Maine is one big state. And the county I live in, Aroostook is the largest of the sixteen. And the size of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined.

 So think Interstate 95 that starts in Houlton Maine, ends up in Key West Florida eh?

The Interstate 95 corridor joins the Atlantic Trans Canada highway that leads to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island to due east. I-95 has a raised, legal speed limit to 75 miles per hour north of Orono Maine. So zipping, clipping north means no traffic. Unless you count deer, moose as traffic to watch out for, avoid hitting on the trip up Interstate 95. Northern Maine is like being at an outdoor natural Disney Land. But no lines at Space Mountain, any of the rides. Cool.

 So driving miles to Houlton Maine

You need the distance to plan your trip because you are just not sure how far we are talking about logging for mileage to Maine. If traveling here, what is the damage for distance, what will the odometer rack up for miles as the wheels on your car or truck, motorcyle go round and round?

Houlton Maine to…

 Boston MA is 354 miles.  New York City is 565 miles. Hartford CT is 450 miles. Providence RI is 403 miles. Philadelphia PA is 655 miles.

Dial in your location, fill in ours at 69 North Street, Houlton Maine 04730 in this handy dandy Rand McNally mileage distance traveling indicator.

 How many hours to drive the miles to Maine depends on do you clip right along without lots of stops? Go above, below the speed limit? Got a lead foot? Drive a Yugo or old WW2 jeep? Something sleeker, minky expensive. Delays do happen stuck in traffic out of state before you get to Maine. Slow moving, crawling Driving Derby Cars In Houton Maine Road Raceprogress on the road happens in cities to the south, but welcome to Maine.

You keep humming along with the radio. Not going to get road rage heading to Houlton Maine.

Or become hot around the collar because of too many motorists, 10 car pile up accident fender bender delays.

Traffic to Northern Maine’s Aroostook County evaporates after you hit Bangor where the tall Paul Bunyan grinning lumberman with the axe on the shoulder stands in one spot wearing the big lumberjack boats.

Lots of room, space and the cars, trucks you do share the road to Houlton Maine with are friendly, helpful.

Folks flying into Maine tell us the attitude changes the closer you get to Vacationland too.

The smaller feeder jets, turbo prop airplanes have friendly people on board going home or visiting Maine. cyr bus lines

The big ones, jumbo jets before that are more eyes forward, keep to yourself or take a nap.

Tune out, read a book. Stuff in the ear buds Chummy.

Not a lot of cabin chit chat atmosphere, attitude.

 More on what to do, where to stay in Houlton Maine. Making, taking the trip by vehicle by car or truck to Houlton Maine. Hope this blog post on mileage, driving distances to get to Houlton Maine is helpful. No matter what the weather too.

Winter just another season. Means plowed and sanded roadways and traffic keeps moving. We are trained, grew up with winter snow on the roads to clear and have the skills. Let us know where you are now and I can help plan your trip, determine the mileage to Houlton Maine.

 I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker

207.532.6573 |“>  |  MOOERS REALY 69 NORTH ST, HOULTON MAINE 04730



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