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Clean, uncrowded, friendly outdoor living like the rest of Maine. That’s what you get full time or part time living, investing in Island Falls and Dyer Brook. All of Aroostook County is lower cost living, taking money right out of the equation. We’ve blogs about Island Falls Maine before and want to expend on the topic. Pairing you up with Dyer Brook too, the home of Southern Aroostook School system when Island Falls schools consolidatedand threw in together back in 1973.
Early history of Island Falls and Dyer Brook Maine? Here more on the early settlement of Island Falls Maine in particular. It was back in 1841, during the summer that the trio of Levi Sewall, Neamiah Alexander and Jesse Craig showed up in what is now Island Falls.
William Sewell, a relative of Levi was a lifelong friend of Theodore Roosevelt. Mr. Roosevelt visited to hunt and fish on several occasions with stays at the family hunting camp on Mattawamkeag Lake and the Sewell home that was placed on the historical registry. Along the Mattawamkeag River below the lake of the same name is where Roosevelt wen to open the good book to read on Sundays while in Maine.
The spot is worth a visit and called “Bible Point”with state park status. Here are more early day photos on Island Falls Maine. Cold, Dyer Brook, Fish, Sly and Alder Streams are in this area of “The County”.
Dyer Brook, what about that town to the east of Island Falls?
Orin Laughton was responsible for the first settlement back in 1844. Laughton came over from Smyrna to the east, put up a log home and by 1880 the plantation population grew to 40 voters.
The town was named after the stream Dyer Brook that meanders through this Aroostook County town and which eventually empties into the Mattawamkeag River. Pleasant Pond, Mattawamkeag Lakes are two special resources in these two towns.
Interstate 95 exit 276 is the one to slow down, put on your blinker and end up on Rt 159. That goes into Island Falls is you head east or through Crystal on the west on the way to Patten Maine. US RT 2 brings motorists into Island Falls and Dyer Brook. Interstate 95 exit 286 hits Oakfield which with a left on US Rt 2 can quickly get you into Dyer Brook and then Island Falls after that. Excellent waterviews looking down across the Mattawamkeag Lake on US RT 2 due south of the former May Mountain ski area location are worth a stop to take in slowly. No airports for commercial flights here although Houlton and Patten Maine both have facilities for small operator plans to land. Strap on the pontoons and land on one of the many long lakes and taxi to the public land to hop out and visit.
Hit the Va-Jo-Wa golf course, sample the Pleasant and Mattawamkeag Lake waterfront fun. Tap into the trail system. Have the lunch to remember at the Riverview Cafe overlooking the falls on the Mattawamkeag River town center. Vacationland Estate is also up on the hill overlooking the golf course and near the waterfront fun.
You are not far from Patten Maine, the Lumberman’s museum, the north entrance to Baxter State Park. Everyone has to climb Mt Katahdin at least once in their lifetime. Renting a cabin, setting up a travel trailer at Birch Point is a yearly habit for many families. Meals are available in this location along with arcade games, bowling, and all the waterfront options if you remember your swim suit! Or head over to catch a movie in Houlton Maine, to pick up whatever you forgot at Walmart.
Looking forward to providing the best insider local information from a native passionate about living here. Let me share what living here as a native I can offer you! Thank you for visiting our Maine real estate website and we will work hard to show you the ropes, the lay of the land. To give you the small town community online tour perspective the best way possible to educate and not waste your time.
You get involved living in small Maine towns. I do. You will too. You will fit in just perfectly. Proud member of the state and national REALTOR associations. Past president of the Aroostook REALTOR Council, Rotary Club, Chamber Of Commerce, the Southern Aroostook Growth Council and Drews Lake Property Owners Association. Past chairman of the Houlton Zoning Board.
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Listing 8113 * Rugged, Really Put Together, Rock Solid Circa Houlton Maine
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