Land For Sale In Maine

lake dusk in maine photo

Land for sale in Maine, because last check they stopped making any more of it.

And because with the big supply of property acreage in Maine, we are able to offer large parcels for little amounts of money in the exchange. lake dusk in maine photo

Land in Maine is low cost because the further into the Pine Tree State you go, the trails get a littl more narrow. 

Less traveled, unspoiled and the people fewer in number who live in these rural parts are extra special unique.

The country way of life includes protecting the environment. Passing it on with the same respect and good stewardship we all were taught growing up. Careful to not harm the waterways, aware of what causes erosion that chokes fish. Hurts the waterfront habitat.

And when the population of wildlife outnumbers the local residents of a small Maine town, you think about what is best for those critters.

Kinder to woodlots in Maine too.Easy does it with the surroundings and tramping lightly. Carry in, carry out in camping and not messing up the Maine land and what is growing on it, swimming in the water around it.


Outdoor living in Maine is a given all four seasons.

True Mainers were rather be hiking up a mountain top twisting trail thanhorses winter in maine photo navigating a wire frame cart at a big box store.

Ply a stream in a kayak with crickets and birds providing the muzak surround sound.

Rather than killing time shopping for something you think you want but don’t really need. Tilling the dirt, fencing the pasture, building a cabin in the woods or by a river, maybe a lake if you are lucky.

So back to Maine land, how big a piece were you thinking and what do you like to do enjoying it?

The recreation you like best is the key to which aisle in our land in Maine store to spend time. The price range is something you decide on how big a payment works best. Owner financing Maine land is one available option on most property acreages too.

Custom made payments, installments on the Maine land to avoid the bank, the extra overhead expenses. And get better terms on rate and payment, mortgage length because it is a partnership of the Maine land buyer and seller. maine lake loon photo

Works well for both and creates a nice annuity with the security of a first mortgage on the Maine land.

That gets improved with a well, septic, structure, driveway and other improvements. That only make the risk that much smaller in what are the chances the buyer will stop making the Maine land payments question.

Land for sale in Maine.

Start small, establish a toe hold, a base to explore and discover. An acre is plenty big enough and some towns in Maine require two acre minimums for new land parcels created after a recent date. But plenty of those smaller acre lots that are grandfathered in for here we go. Have at it. cows photo

Make sure to soil test those rural country Maine land parcels.

You are going to be going a soil test, getting a will it or won’t it inspection is the fork in the road.

Along with the HHE 200 septic system design soil test for disposal of gray and black water that eventually you will have to do anyway.

Do it, the soil test upfront, before you buy the Maine land.

To know, learn we need an extra few feet of the neighboring land, or the owner that wraps around it. Who has more acreage surrounding the parcel you want to buy and has to meter off a little more yardage or even acreage of land in Maine to make everything work peachy keen.

Maine land, before you buy, knowing the cost of putting in a septic and how elaborate it is going to have to is good to know.

To be aware of how of shoreland zoning, boundary line set backs to build, poor soils or rugged terrain affect your dream of how to use the Maine land.

Also the neighboring wells and septics and too close, that interfere with your building on the Maine land plans.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker

207.532.6573 | |

MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton ME 04730

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