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Welcome To Linneus, Maine!

The Story

You Like To Hear The Story Of Linneus Maine. Here goes.

MOOERS REALTY has blogged about Linneus Maine before but this is a chance to expand on the topic. To put in anything we left out linneus me communitythe last hunt and peck at the keyboard. Half of Linneus Maine was sold back in 1833 to fund a botanical professorship at Harvard University. I did not know that either but interesting huh?

Read more about early history, Linneus Maine factoids.

The Mattawamkeag and Meduxnekeag Rivers both flow through the township of Linneus Maine and we all know how early settlers set up shop around running water for very good reasons.

The Meduxnekeag which means “rocks at its mouth” begins at the Drews Lake headwaters for the waterway sporting a yearly spring canoe race.

Grab your paddle and pick a partner, find a canoe or kayak to celebrate spring again and again. Linneus was incorporated in 1836. It is located on the way south on the Bangor Road, US RT 2A to the famous Haynesville Woods. Which supposedly is marked every mile with lost trucker tombstones id Fort Fairfield patch-on-one eye country singer Dick Curless is to be believed listening to the song he made well known good buddy. That’s a big 10-4. We’re gone bye bye.

The first settler of Linneus was Daniel Neal who came across the lines from New Brunswick Canada in 1826.

The town’s Rooselvelt School painted red was the most memorable to current residents still living for education experiences. But at one time seven public schools were scattered around the six by six mile township southwest of Houlton Maine named Linneus.

Dr. Edward Williams mother was the Rooselvelt School cook who made the best cake known to man, woman or child. After the consolidation with MSAD 70 school system in Hodgdon, the Roosevelt school now hoses the Linneus Volunteer Fire Department and yearly Haunted Hayride which raises money for funding the town’s Park and Recreations program.

Red Sawyer and Craig Childs knew how to keep the trouble makers in line who were not allowed the education class room. Was that a trash can just upset in the bathroom?

Colonel Moses Burleigh who was a captain in the Maine militia during the 1812 War with Great Britain started surveying the town of Linneus into lots to keep tract of who bought what for property tax and title reasons in 1827. He himself moved here in 1830 because he like what he saw trapping with the surveyor’s hip chain and marking the lots lines that defined the Southern Aroostook Couny town. Linneus loam, Caribou profile and other fertile soil types make Linneus a farmer’s dream for agricultural crop or herd pursuits.

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How To Get Here

The Military Highway what they call the Bangor Road. This US RT 2A was the only way to get to Northern Maine at one time. Now snowsled01Interstate Exit 95 paves the way to get to Aroostook County quickly at higher speeds. But the old way to Bangor heading down through the Haynesville Woods is ten miles shorter. But the speed limit is not a legal 75 and you take chance hitting Bambi or Gentle Ben. Those make for very large and extremely dangerous hood ornaments.

The pot holes of spring can be a challenge to maneuver too if you go up the old way, The Bangor Road / US RT 2A Route that is 10 miles shorter than I-95 to Houlton ME.

Head north to Exit 302 at Houlton and back southwest on US RT 2A to Linneus.

Or Smyrna I-95 Exit 291 and east on US RT 2 to the Station RD in New Limerick where you turn right, then left at the end of the Station Road to hit the Lake Road which passes the Houlton Community Gof Course and Nickerson Lake. (The South side and east end of Nickerson is in Linneus Maine). Right on US RT 2A gets you to Linneus a round about way with a cross country course. You’ll get the hang of it the longer you study the lay of the land. Come by snow sled and stop to have a bite to eat at Grammy’s Country Inn.

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Things To Do For Fun

Drews Lake, Nickerson Lake, Russell and Skiticook Lakes are all fun choices when you find yourself in Linneus ME.

Everyone love water. A lake improves everything. Watch a video on Drews Lake. Visit the Linneus Sno Sports sled club for Bingo, for live music, suppers. All the recreation trails cross back and forth to open up Linneus Maine to whatever method of travel you feel like on any given day. Hit the state trail maps link below for more on how to get around Linneus, Northern Maine.linneusfireenginetruck

Eat way too much at Grammy’s Country Inn Restaurant and waddle out feeling defeated because you are carrying several white containers. Just try to eat one of the three pound, manhole cover sized whoopie pies and see how much sugar a body can really handle. Everything is super sized without asking at Grammy’s Country Inn Restaurant. Formerally know as Bither’s Inn, Smith Diner’s and at one time held down the Linneus post office. There is a red deer farm next door. They don’t know how to fly as far as we can figure.

Cross country ski trails are around the snow sled club house in Linneus ME!

The play ground has ball fields and Community Day once a year so you will get a chance to meet the local population. Attend a Hodgdon Hawks ball game or musical or theatre presentation. Canoe or kayak the Meduxnkeag River. Watch a video on this river race that ends up in Houlton Maine that has its headwater at Drews Lake in Linneus.

Hike up Drews Mountain, Crow Hill and head over to the wilderness lake called Skiticook where most of the waterfront is in T4 R3 unorganized territory. Work the potato harvest and help out the local Linneus Maine farmers. Making money, getting all kinds of free potatoes at the same time. Blueberries, pick them at a local Linneus farm too.Stay tuned as we double back to add to the list of things to do for fun in Linneus Maine.

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I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers your host and here to gratefully serve you.

Looking forward to providing the best insider local information from a native passionate about living here. Let me share what living here as a native I can offer you! Thank you for visiting our Maine real estate website and we will work hard to show you the ropes, the lay of the land. To give you the small town community online tour perspective the best way possible to educate and not waste your time.

You get involved living in small Maine towns. I do. You will too. You will fit in just perfectly. Proud member of the state and national REALTOR associations. Past president of the Aroostook REALTOR Council, Rotary Club, Chamber Of Commerce, the Southern Aroostook Growth Council and Drews Lake Property Owners Association. Past chairman of the Houlton Zoning Board.

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Andy Mooers, Mooers Realty Houlton Maine
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Andrew Mooers
69 North Street, Houlton, Maine 04730
PHONE: +1 (207) 532-8960
EMAIL: info@mooersrealty.com

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