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Welcome To Ludlow, Maine!

The Story

A Half Township Shaped 3 Miles High, Six Miles Wide, That’s Ludlow Maine.

The north half on top of New Limerick, that’s what Ludlow Maine is to the west of Houlton, the Aroostook County seat. With a populationludlow me community around 404 people, an elevation of 830 feet. I have lots of relatives buried in the Ludlow Cemetery high on the ridge overlooking everything to the south of this small Northern Maine township.

Here’s the Wright farm picture that is still standing and located across from this elevation where General Cummins is resting.

Cummins was a Revolutionary War General who surveyed Ludlow out. And received for his efforts a plot of land wherein he selected Ludlow of all the places that he had tramped with the hip chain measuring tools.

Karen’s K-9 is in downtown Ludlow.

That concludes our tour of Ludlow. Well, Barry Lorum has a small truck terminal just as you enter Ludlow from the east on the right after Joe’s Road which is the town line with Houlton. Woodlots, farm fields, three ideal fishing brooks, that’s part of the Ludlow Maine story. Lamb, Mill, Moose Brooks have lots of early spring fiddleheads to pick, steam, eat with some butter and vinegar.

Early Ludlow Maine history time (tap tap tap of wooden pointer on the blackboard).

Ludlow, back when Aroostook County was part of Washington and ruled out of Machias, in 1864 a township formed from the Belfast Academy Grant as a plantation. What was the village called over the years? The northerly half of Township No. 6, Second Range West of the easterly line of the state (T6 R2 WELS); or just the Belfast Academy Grant.

Three school houses at one time in Ludlow for the three “R”s.

Where Moosebrook School is now that serves as the town office. Another further west on the corner of the Russell and Ludlow Road. The last on what my Dad always called the Hoyes farm north east corner that for a time was a hippy home, shabby without the chic lived in by a Ricker College professor named Bobula.

This is more information on Ludlow Maine.

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How To Get Here

Head out the Ludlow Road from Houlton north of the Exit 302 Interstate 95 exchange. That’s one quick way to get to Ludlow. Or take I-95 Exit 291 in Smyrna and head east on US RT 2 to the Town Line Road on the left that splits Ludlow from Smyrna. Turn left, take your first right and travel to Houlton on the primary newly hot topped road that cuts Ludlow north to south. Or take the many trails to weave in and around Ludlow on something with a motor or by foot, on a pedal bike or cross country skis. Have it your way to get to and fro Ludlow Maine. Hiking trail designations show up on the trails through Ludlow Maine in Southern Aroostook County.

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Things To Do For Fun

3 bartlett rd ludlow lakeWell there are no casinos, no shopping centers, no major lakes in Ludlow.

Near a bunch of those though.  But the scenery is long ranging, the elevation makes Ludlow anything but ho hum. Go up around Cameron Bog on cross country skis. Cross up through Ludlow on the way to the Duck Pond Road and up deeper into Aroostook County’s great north woods.

Find hidden B Lake in Hammond and good luck keeping your car clean or out of the mud along the sides of the Hemore Road in spring. These front heaves and pot holes can jar a filling out of your head. Go up back on the Russell Road in Ludlow and what a view to the south and west.

Ludlow Maine is elevated. No where near sea level with 830′ elevation. The horseback, the glacier cared out an esker of valuable gravel to use in construction of home sites and roadways in Ludlow.

Fish those three special waterways of Moose, Mill, Lamb Brooks.

Wet your line. Fish for brook trout. See moose, white tail deer, black bear and game birds like patridge, pheasants, grouse. Shoot with a camera or a gun if you made it through hunter safety course. If you have a valid license to hunt in Ludlow. Camping, gathering your winter wood for heating your house, growing organic food for your family table. Ludlow is a fine spot for fertile soil, low cost land and friendly helpful people.

The town office is the Moose Brook school house reworked for municipal use after the merger with MSAD 70 schools consolidation.

Diane Hines is the town manager that keeps the paperwork shuffling in the right direction and people paying their property taxes. Head to the Houlton Community Golf Course in New Limerick to the south. Or enjoy Nickerson, Drews, Cochran Lakes that are all very nearby when you are here in Ludlow Maine and looking for fun things to do.

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I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers your host and here to gratefully serve you.

Looking forward to providing the best insider local information from a native passionate about living here. Let me share what living here as a native I can offer you! Thank you for visiting our Maine real estate website and we will work hard to show you the ropes, the lay of the land. To give you the small town community online tour perspective the best way possible to educate and not waste your time.

You get involved living in small Maine towns. I do. You will too. You will fit in just perfectly. Proud member of the state and national REALTOR associations. Past president of the Aroostook REALTOR Council, Rotary Club, Chamber Of Commerce, the Southern Aroostook Growth Council and Drews Lake Property Owners Association. Past chairman of the Houlton Zoning Board.

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Andy Mooers, Mooers Realty Houlton Maine
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Andrew Mooers
69 North Street, Houlton, Maine 04730
PHONE: +1 (207) 532-8960
EMAIL: info@mooersrealty.com

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