The state of Maine.
Big topic for a little blog post about Maine. The state up here in the upper right hand corner of the nation. Parked on the Canadian border. Where no, it is not dangerous living this close to Canada.
But back to Maine.
Just how to sum up the entire state to someone that had never set foot here?
Spending time under a rock and out of the loop.
With no knowledge from a hairdresser or barber that tout the facts, figures and spread the myths like an expert.
That never motored across the big green bridge or set down, landed in a silver bird in Vacationland.
The links to Maine to drill down into subjects have to be in the blog post. To expand when something that interests the blog post reader seeking information on Maine can do just that. With a tap tap, toggle.
A blog called ME in Maine is a big shot in the arm to cure the thirst for the community small town rural flavor. If you are hungry, in Maine , do as the natives do.
More than pass the green lobsters that turn red with the steam bath.
Or slicing into a baked potato, tackling a hot slice of blueberry pie. Yes please. Two scoops of the home made, hand cranked ice cream drizzling, riding high wide and handsome. A top that pleasure wedge please.
The small town community events, the grange hall or church suppers. Those public gatherings small towns pour their heart and soul into is where you meet the neatest local people.
Like this Maine farmer with a red addiction.
But back to the Maine state factoid. The population hovers around 1.2 million with not a lot of movement in the needle. Call Maine roughly 320 miles long, 210 miles wide.
Tally up the total acreage of the Pine Tree State to be 33,215 square miles of all natural four season beauty.
The real magic of Maine is she is not over populated. Hate to say it but people, especially too many of them jammed in a small confine are anything but fun.
Personal space invaded makes you and I cranky.
To have a reactive not so pretty knee jerk reflex. To stay out of my face and to breathe easy. Without worry about personal safety.
For no accusations of running into anyone, damaging any personal property. No people, no problems. Not being anti-social. But Mainer’s are brought up as young grasshoppers to be independent. Row row row your own boat. Eyes on your own backyard.
Mainers do help out when needed. Are hard working and community, family spirited. Have to get along when only so many people populate a small Maine town too.
We Mainers protect the natural resources and pass them on in better shape than we receive them.
Your neighbors and friends down at the officew, mill. All those relatives are the workers for all the home grown happenings. That small Maine towns are famous for, get all the ink spilled about event after festival. And what causes the moth to a lighted lamp shade attraction to vacation here in Maine.
On the coast, inland, deep in the wooded sections. Maine has all those in aces.
It’s more than enough.
Just the wildlife, all this Maine fresh air, clean water and unspoiled, 100% pure territory of level to rolling sunrises, sunsets.
Mostly wooded areas account for 91% of the Maine landscape. Plenty of renewable resource firewood.
You find the people that do live part or full time in Maine are more intimately connected.
Than most places where you mind your P’s and Q’s. Don’t make eye contact and live in worry about personal safety for you and your kids.
Awareness increases as the population decreases a big part of it. You relax because Maine is safe, friendly, spacious.
Maine is as big as the other New England states all put in the bag and shook up, combined.
One county I am especially proud of is Aroostook, the garden of Maine.
Aroostook County is the size of Connecticut, Rhode Island and with space left over for territory to tramp and explore.
Weighing in with an impressive 6,453 square miles, Aroostook County is nicknamed the Crown of Maine, just “The County”, or Aroostook, Garden of Maine. You can visit and pick your own way to describe her. Please do.
And stop in to say hello as you turn left at exit 302 on Interstrate 95 to avoid ending up in Canada. The last exit in Maine that connects her with the Trans Canada highway. That opens the gateway to the Atlantic provinces and signs in French/English and mileage distance in metric.
Maine has water, water everywhere.
But different kinds of the recreational H20. That tugs hard on the heart strings. Imagine 6,000 lakes, ponds and 32,000 miles of rivers and streams.
Or wrap your head around the incredible 5,500miles of coastline, 2000 islands in Maine.
The forested sections of Maine account for 17 million acres of timber land mass.
Mount Katahdin is in Baxter Park, where the highest peak in Maine reigns supreme.
No wind generator or cell tower, broadcast pole with the blinking red or white strobe light will ever share her peak.
Just incredible jaw dropping views where no one talks. And your heart and soul open up to let go, pull in her strong natural signal. We keep it simple living in Maine with all the eye candy.
Be part of the G rated mile high club.
Mt “K” is 5,268. Just a tad shy of the 5,280 weigh in to be the official mile for health and healing. For whatever ails you. The climb on you pick the trail.
That should be a yearly trek to add to your happy dance card. Katahdin and her other mountain climb cohorts are the northern end of the Appalachian Trail.
Get lost in that feeling in Maine. That no matter how hard you try, gets lost in the concrete jungle urban areas of noise, crime, traffic and the high cost of living.
Paddle the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, 100 miles of boating adventure.
Where you will see moose feeding, eagle’s soaring overhead for a fish lunch.
Over 542,600 acres of state and national parks are headquartered in this natural outpost of the nation. Acadia National Park is the second most visited one in the USA for a reason.
Head up Cadillac Mountain on foot, bike, by car or horse and see the first sunrise or admire a sunset.
That is like no other when you are lucky enough to be in Maine (again and repeat liberally).
All this discovering the state of Maine for the first or up-teenth time makes you hungry for the food on the four color tourist information brochures right?
Wild blueberries in Maine makes us the largest provider of the healthy fruit raked and boxed mostly by hand.
Roughly 98% of the low bush blueberries grown in the nation are standing tall in Maine.
Maine potatoes rank third in acreage and production nationally. Take a trip to the Maine potato field. Or hang out in the potato house packing shed.
Maine has 65 lighthouses officially.
If you use all your fingers and toes, count right.
I have gotten 68 of them for the total list of Maine lighthouses.
But who wants to split hairs over two number pretty close together anyway.
There are a lot of Maine lighthouses.
Visit them different seasons for all kind of personal reasons. They hit you as a spiritual place. Like so much that Maine serves up to tourists and locals alike.
I think the one in Lubec, West Quoddy Head lighthouse is the prettiest and not crowded due to it’s northern location. I like the red, white stripes and the painted lady look she has going for her.
Nothing trashy and the walk along the beach is stunning. Looking across into Canada at Lubec / Campobello Island is a scenic, historical treat too.
But others would argue the Portland Headlight that is actually in Cape Elizabeth Maine would warm their heart hottest. When the subject of Maine lighthouses comes up and needs to be aired. More blog posts on Maine lighthouses.
There are all unique, have a different tale behind them. To learn from the folklore. Get into the histoy lesson about the Maine coast and these important navigational, communication turned tourist attraction devices.
Come explore Maine quaint coastal towns, tie up in the harbor. Sea plane or canvas sail, motorized boats are all welcome in Maine.
Maine’s first chartered city is York, back in 1641.
The town I hail from Houlton Maine only got noticed, settled after the 1800 year counter rolled a couple clicks.
More while we are on the subject that is hard for me not to brag about… if you are a tourist needing the spotlight turned on Houlton Maine.
There is something fishy about Maine too.
Can not keep it a secret and must be hunt and pecked to digest. Shellfish, Maine has fame and fortune made from the nearly 126 million pounds of lobster harvested annually.
Add the Maine lobster to the clams, mussels, all those fish swimming in the North Atlantic deep blue water and whoa.
Holly mackarel. The combined shellfish harvested in the nets, other ways accounts for 200 million pounds!
This blog post has me thinking steamed Maine clams. How did that happen?
Oh yeah. Healthy states, Maine is ranked one of the best.
In the nation, our temperature summers is around a 70 degree average. And winter temperatures are in the 20 degree average. More on Maine weather, climate, topography.
The biggest misinformation is the swirl of myths of Maine weather.
And wild exaggerations surrounding the weather in Maine. Be prepared.
Maine weather myths about summer being the only time to visit are so false. Unfair to the other three seasons that make Maine the special place only she can hold in a person’s heart and soul. Nothing else holds that candle.
Maine’s winter portrayed as Arctic Circle, North or South Pole is an unfair black eye asessment. We don’t hibernate in winter in
Maine. Hard to do all the winter snow sports without the white stuff.
It is white flaky snow, not ice rain slush from the sky in winter too. The coldest winters are ones you don’t wake up and find a blanket of snow on the ground. Plus we know how to handle snow, drive in winter and fewer cars or motorists that don’t to maneuver around on top of it all!
Maine has no igloos, except kid’s making snow forts for fun not survival in the backyard of Maine family homes.
No dogsleds for transportation, just for sporting competition in the Fort Kent Maine area during winter’s peace and quiet.
Next March 16th, 2016 the Maine dog sled race date to remember.
Circle it on your calendar in bright red crayon or laundry marker okay?
More on Maine real estate myths too, something I have learned a thing or two about over 44 years in the business of peddling property listings.
You are going to be spending the night. You can’t do Maine justice being a hit and run. Maine has large and small, modern and historic inns to stay at too.
More on the Maine Inn, bed and breakfast experience. Other places to stay if you are in my neck of the woods and find a need for a bed for your head.
Houlton Maine motels, lodging options when you need a room for some shut eye.
To cure the highway white line fever.
Maine tourism links help round out the what about ME?
The explain this state of Maine, the way life should be. Unplug, recharge in Maine. Reach out and ask us about events in Vacationland, like the Maine State Soap Box Derby held in Houlton Maine.
Or skiing at Sugarloaf tips.
All about organic food in Maine. More on the FAQ on Maine.
Come rent a camp, cottage in Maine or pitch a tent, haul in the pop up pull behind travel trailer. Hoof, hitchhike, drive, fly or sail by boat to get to Maine. See what you are missing, how special this drop dead gorgeous area of Maine really is first hand.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 |info@mooersrealty.com |
MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton Maine 04730