The yearly statewide median single family home sales price of $189,400 represents a 4.93 percent real estate jump.
This median state sale price means half of the homes were sold for more, half for less of this figure. Maine statewide home sales for the month of December 2016 were up 11.06 percent and the statewide MSP rose 4.08 percent to $185,000 compared for the previous December 2015 tabulations.
Nationally the USA real estate home sales price hiked 1.5 percent for December 2015.
This according to the National Association of REALTORS. The nationwide MSP rose 3.8 percent to $233,500. Regionally in the Northeast section of the country, in New England home sales were down 2.7 percent in December 2016 to $245,900.
The 2016 sales year ended with the highest number of reported transactions of 17,507 over the last 18 years of collecting data.
Maine has lower cost housing, is attractive to those wanting some land around the home. And for its low crime, no traffic. Maine’s interior regions as your go northeast and northwest up into the state sees a lot different price structure than in the handful of cities, along the 230 miles of the high value coast line where the Bushes, Rockefeller and other wealth is concentrated.
For example in Aroostook County, which is the size of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined with eleven people per square mile, space is a given. Lots of timberland, an expanse of farm acreage surrounds the lakes, ponds, rivers and streams.
What happened the last year in real estate single residential home sales in Aroostook County?
In 2015 housing units sold were 470 increasing to 563 in 2016. The average house price dropped 5.44 percent down to the $82,500, a decrease of close to $5,000 per house.
Here is a Maine real estate statewide inventory market report for 1/1/2017 to 2/16/2017.
On the other end of the scale, the real estate single family residential units sold in Cumberland County where Portland Maine is, the units jumped from 4141 to 4253 transactions. The average house price increased 6 percent from $250,000 to $265,000 for an average in the 2015-2016 comparison.
These are the local boards for the Maine Association of REALTORS. I have been past president of the Aroostook County REALTOR Council.
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When is the best time to list and sell your home or any other type of real estate property in Maine? When you know you need a change in housing, as soon as you know for certain a move is going to happen, get that property listed and online for the tire kicking. The coverage of the local Maine events happening through out the calendar year means steady blog post productions. The promotion of property in Maine goes year round because life does not stop for a few snow flakes.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | info@mooersrealty.com |
MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton Maine 04730 USA