The state race for the Maine Soap Box Derby is in Houlton Maine.
This down hill gravity racing car program marks our nineteenth year anniversary. The Houlton Maine local was the largest soap box derby race fives years in a row for the country, is June 14th, 2014.
If you are a Maine business consider, consider sponsoring a race car.
For boys and girls 8 to 17 to learn the “Thrill Of The Hill”.
To build a stock, super stock or masters race car. Reading easy instructions will all the kit ingredients for down hill fun.
To put it together, handle the tools, what they are named and do. For the hands on building a car.
To race down the engineer course in Houlton Maine’s Community Park. To take part in the racing fun of the Northern Maine Soap Box Derby racing program. Tech, trial runs this year are May 17th.
Having a a paved hill built from scratch, specifically for racing kit cars means Maine derby racers are safer.
No neighborhood traffic to interfere when a public street is taken over. Shut, closed off. And wearing out the local soap box derby crew that has to set it up, tear it town.
With Derby Hill, all that interference for the local street residents that happen to live on a hill is removed, gone. And the focus is on the derby race, not the time and resources sapped, wasted on the course.
Plus the derby kids have to have their cars checked over for safety and race rules, update compliance to keep it safe and fair.
The celebration party afterwards with the awards ceremony is part of the local race.
But the seasoned crew that has worked hard, stayed with the program long after their own kids pass the trophy collecting childhood.
Have worked up through the derby car racing ranks.
Know what to do.
Are all cross trained in all the puzzle pieces that go into the time frame of what to do and when, why in the local Maine soap box derby race.
Maine weather is also the only unknown, the wild card.
Racers are reminded going into the race at registration time to remember we live in Maine. It could be snowing, blistering hot, windy, raining cats and dogs and to prepare for anything. Bring water to keep from being dehydrated.
Because a thirsty, drowsing driver is an accident waiting to happen if they drive across the lane. Forget to brake on the other end of the derby course down by the timing / announcer’s trailer.
Something warm and waterproof to stay high and dry a good idea too.
To stay warm as toast. Not start shivering or getting tired with chills.
It’s suppose to be fun for kids and famlies remember?
As the heats, in two lanes are run in order off a computer generated heat sheet.
With winners in the individual soap box derby heats determine by electric eye timers.
Have precise weighting. For the driver and car combined. Just like the weight divisions in prize fights except your car is part of the freight. Actually your gravity driven horse power. To prople the down hill race car.
Adustments for being lined up and true blue part of the check list by the driver, support group, tech crew. And the brake, steering pretty essential to get from the high up top point A to B.
For skills in how best to drive the course in lane One or Two. No two threads of the race track are the same and weather changes it up again to test the driver’s skill and experience.
For the fastest car race time to get the topside launch gate release.
To the bottom of the hill where all the crew, audience of fans and family scream “brake”!
Watch a soap box derby race from the video collection.
Would gladly help you start a local soap box derby race and with the crew of our Houlton Maine program offer suggestions.
Everyone in our neat group of derby support, planners, race members would be glad to let you pick our brains.
To get the advice to make your soap box derby program get off the ground in good shape is here if you need it.
To last and grow and become a local traditon.
So your Maine or wherever it is located local soap box derby racers can all know “The Thrill Of The Hill.”
And building a race machine to scream. To know the spirited competition with the entire family helping in the support of your home gorwn race program.
The transport, encouragement, cheering.
The hooting, hollering and pushing, supporting the young soap box derby car racer on to victory lane.
For the fame and fortune of being picked to represent the local soap box derby for the trip west to Akron Ohio.
For the big contest for the best racers on the planets to bring, transport their cars to the center of the country. For the three lane historic race for a one time shot at advancing. A month later, after our local race is held every June.
For the All American Soap Box Derb Race.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | | MOOERS REALTY 69 North St Houlton ME 04730