In Maine, every day at the real estate office is new and different.
Lots of real estate agents, brokers list and sell only homes, houses. A rural state that is 91% wooded, Maine has over 2500 lakes, ponds.
Mooers Realty lists, sells Maine water front land acreages.
Farm land, woodlots, vacation homes, mom and pop businesses. It’s not just residential property sales that happen at 69 North Street, Houlton Maine. And I like that. A lot.
Makes every day rewarding, challenging. Maine, more open, wooded, waterfront land and less people.
In Southern Maine, the head count is forty four people per mile. In Northern Maine, eleven people raise their hand for the census taking that fit in the same property square. When you have a lower population, the folks that live in the local communities are closer tighter, more caring. They pitch in, check in with each other.
Because less people, fewer homes, houses happen in the local Maine real estate inventory.
You don’t see three hundred subdivisions of dwellings that are clustered, jammed in smaller rural Maine towns. We built the Maine homes one at a time. Translation, it means a bigger supply of land, unimproved property acreage. And to someone that has lived elbow to elbow, right on top of each other most of their life in an urban built up area, owning a piece of that Maine low cost spacious land is highly desirable.
What else goes along with the strong attraction for “the bigger the better lower cost Maine land, property acreage?
Besides space, not being in anyone else’s, no one invading yours? There are other reasons. It is also a strong emotion to have land to enjoy on vacations, to watch increase in value from your investment. Land does not disappear over night. It is always there, unlike stock equity values.

Also, as a parent, to have Maine land to pass along that feeling of space, openness, a piece of the landscape to you kids just feels noble. Something programed inside on the list of what you are supposed to accomplish in your life time as a good parent.
Good luck finding one thirty, forty, hundred acres of land in a city if it even exists. And if it did, could you ever hope to afford all those zeroes in the property price tag hanging off it?
Walking through the Maine land you own, surveying “the kingdom” of acreage.
Freshening up the paint blazed lines. See the wildlife infesting the woods. Pulling fish out of the stream or river that crosses it, borders it is just an extra cherry on top of the Maine land purchase Add in a view, power, some clear land to grow you own food some day, wooded sections that can heat the home you build with your own milled lumber, and now you are cooking.
Sometimes too, just owning the Maine land is an insurance policy, a safety net, a life ring inner tube.
For piece of mind if the going gets too tough down country, in the city and you have to bail out quickly. You will know where you are heading. Many will not. And a future retirement, vacation use makes the Maine land investment just that much sweeter. Easy to justify. Especially with custom made to fit the real estate buyer’s monthly budget to owner finance and own in no time without a bank. Through the Maine property owner.
Mooers Realty sells single family homes, residential houses, apartment rental income producers.
But land is another big component of our Maine real estate sales. All type of properties, from working and hobby farms to corner grocery commercial listings, land and homes of all types, we have the low cost, selection of Maine real estate you are looking for.