MOOERS REALTY helps both Maine real estate
property listing buyers and sellers.
Our Featured Listings
1826 Bancroft Road, Bancroft, ME
- $269,500
- MLS #:: #1609185
- Beds: 4
- Bath: 1
- Garage: 1
- Farm, Residential, Waterfront
513 Calais Road, Hodgdon, ME
- $129,500
- MLS #:: #1609013
- Beds: 4
- Baths: 2
- Garage: 1
- Residential, Single Family
103 Springfield Road, Danforth, ME
- $369,000
- MLS #:: #1607686
- Beds: 4
- Baths: 3
- Garages: 2
- Land, Residential, Single Family
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MOOERS REALTY proudly lists, sells, promotes.
Since 1976, our office is serving home, farm, land, waterfront, business property buyers and sellers.
Mooers Realty
69 North ST, Houlton ME 04730.
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