Selling your home, getting into the mind of the property owner of a real estate property listing in Maine.
The focus inside the head, behind the eyes, between the ears is centered on lots of areas. First and foremost is the pricing of the real estate about to hop onto the MLS conveyor belt. I can hear a seller hollering “I’m not going to give it away” now.
But if the price tag figure is way out of whack, from the rest inthe pack.
You can forget getting front row seat tickets to a property closing anytime soon.
Overpriced real estate property listings do not sell.
Property not marketed full throttle and priced too high does not sell. Like two nails in the coffin that work together to undermine a perfectly good real estate listing sale.
The higher the price the thinner the real estate buyers. That is one problem with over pricing a property listing in Maine.
And when a buyer does an online search, they slice and dice with perimeters to filter the responses.
To whittle it down to what they can afford from what is available for current real estate listings in the inventory.
And leave the rest for others if the price is too rich for their blood.
When you are the seller of a piece of real estate in Maine you also have to study your reason for selling.
The motivation to sell and what kind of time table you have for achieving the results you need. If a real estate closing is very important that it happen pronto and yearly property taxes are piling up, a tax lien about to mature.
Then “poof”, there goes the property ownership title to it, well now. The correct selling your hoime pricing becomes even more essential on a piece of real estate on the market that has to move ASAP.
Is the property priced in line with others like it in the market? The ones for sale actively, the ones already sold used as comparables. Study those real estate market statistics.
If the condition of the property is poor but money and time to correct deficiencies is just not in the cards, that factor affects the pricing too.
Or should be reflected in the amount the property is marketed for as realistic.
If overpriced, the property hangs around the market and the appeal fades away. If under priced, money is left on the table and the seller did not get what they deserved from this property investment.
Also, what is going on around your property can not be ignored because buyers take it all in as they roll up the driveway, get out and gawk. Inside, outside, all around the neighborhood.
The size of the property can be like clothing too big or too small.
It either fits or doesn’t or is uncomfortable.
The design of the property can fit in with the market desires or look like something from out of this World off to the buyer when selling your home.
Folks that buy like certain floor plans, particular layouts for their hobbies, day to day living. The list of preferences is common among property buyers and traditional, what is the norm for the area properties are popular.
Access is important too and features like a first floor bath, bedroom on the same level as the well of the living space. It becomes more crucial as parts wear out and mobility is not easy to achieve. Selling your home means knowing your buyer’s needs. Real estate selling a home is personal and like clothes, every listing is not always a good fit. 
The design of the property can incorporate more of the bells and whistles the buyer wants too in their real estate listing.
How the property improves or matches their lifestyle is a big factor in the decision to buy this property or another one that has more of what the buyer is after in their real estate listing.
And houses like anything you want to sell have to be made ready for a buyer to see the sparkle and to develop a gleam in their eye. So fresh paint, with colors not high voltage or headache causing with the blindness of the glare have to be applied.
Extra couches,dead animals hanging off all the walls, just hanging around are to be given marching orders out the front door. Too much clutter makes the place small and the buyer to tip toe and worried about bumping into something.
That worry or concern takes away from the appreciation of the neat and tidy property tour sneak a peek.
Fire up the lawnmower, trim the bushes and remove grass, weeds from cracks and crevices. Trim not shaggy is the look a property seller in Maine is after. Maintaining it throughout the listing period to get to a closing successfully. 
Off kilter shutters or gutter’s drooping that have come unattached need to be guided back into place.
Stained bathroom and kitchen fixtures, ones that leak and drip drip are loose ends the buyer is going to have to address.
Don’t get them started on the wrong foot of thinking with a groan about all the things on their honey do list.
Up to snuff never goes out of style and always attracts property owners tired of viewing pig pens and dog houses of smelly, dirty listings.
Light it up with all the bulbs in place, the windows polished so it is uplifting not depressing inside the property for sale.
Take the mop to the decks, make the flooring clean as a whistle when selling your home.
Open up the drapes and curtains, head to the patio or rear porch if you have to hang around at the property listing as the owner. Be flexible if the time to show changes at the last minutes.
It is always okay when you are courting and sparking for a real estate buyer and need to move. Not a fan of music on in the background and nothing like natural sounds of bird’s singing, a wind chime that is not over powering or a grandfather clock ticking can be a pleasant sound of a house.
To pull the real estate buyer in for their consideration of this is what it would be like living here.
The buyer has other factors to worry about to make this place of yours their own. So anything you can do as the property listing owner of the real estate for sale to reduce the concerns is a good thing.
Selling your home means also is the buyer pre-approved or pre-qualified. Big different in a mortgage bank lender saying someone is pre-approved without the hard look at more than your credit score. Or actually hoisting the buyer up on the lift to look underneath, inside of their financial credit history and debt ratios, spending habits good or bad.
The best situation for a property seller is to have a shortage of the real estate listings on the market like their own.
Because lots of choices, plenty of selections waters down the odds of your place being the one they can not live without and to say “I’ll take it, meet you down at the checkout”.
Here to help and we always start out by listening to know the best strategy to advise for our real estate customers. Thinking of selling, MOOERS REALTY would love to help in the process of getting that job done professionally.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | |
MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton ME 04730 USA