Simple Living In Maine, Lower Cost Property Listings Here.


Maine is frugal, live below your means with your fun and recreation always low or no cost.mcgillsband001                           

When you have everything with wall to wall overload, all kinds of stuff like a kid in a candy store abundance, it is easy to take for granted what life can be without all the fireworks, glitter, sparkle.And all that debt that usually goes with it.

The kind of debt that makes you stay wide eye awake. Laying tossing, turning with your mind racing. Churning for hours as you get  worried sick about debt, bills, deadlines.

And then the possibility of losing it all, banking the Maine farm so to speak on an all or nothing, burn your bridges approach to living.

When less becomes more and appreciation grows for a life not a blur of spending, with moderation you know you are in Maine.Have made the leap, transformation to a better, healthier way.

You know you are living frugal in Maine and appreciating what really matters most. Other people, relationships.

The great four season outdoors of natural, unspoiled Maine. Spending impulse control underway and getting value for goods, services or you don’t open your wallet wide. Not so quick to let go of the dollar you worked so hard to earn with sweat and toil.

You become less dependent on others and look deep within yourself for resources to get by when you live in a rural state like Maine not flush with cash.

But rich in what matters most. When you invest in Maine real estate, you also find mortgages are short lived or not at all. You tend to avoid debt like the plague and warm up pretty fast to the sensible cash and carry concept. Don’t buy it if you can not afford it. Unless you have the money to pay for it. And is it worth the price asked? Will it last? And do you just want it or need it? There is a major difference.

mainepotatoharvestingSometimes buying something becomes a willful inner desire that does not go away with logic. Will not easily disappear even using a pound or two of common sense.

Because it becomes like someone telling you what to do.

And many today don’t like that advice whether it is a pretty good idea to adopt or not.

In Maine it becomes the right thing to do, not a case of control by someone else.

It is self control by each and every individual who wants to stay independent, not jeopardizing health and home, family because of a “thing”, item that comes with a payment booklet.

Getting by with less and getting more because of the luxury to live in Maine.

Having it all but on a creative shoe string, frugal patient approach to living. Maine, where crime is the fourth lowest among the states. Where folks make eye contact, help each other out. Are considerate, friendly, and feel connected. That each and every one of the people in lower population communities matter. Are needed and special.

Maine, find out what you are missing and why living here is like being on Vacation every single day.

Not having to settle for a long weekend or two, or just one week’s vacation. It’s not nearly enough. We start by listening to your Maine real estate needs and all your expectations. And spell out the options, showcase the possible property listings in Maine that can be solid solutions. And match your dream to be in Maine.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker  |   207.532.6573   |

MOOERS REALTY 69 North ST Houlton ME 04730 USA



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