Small Maine cabins on lots of land, pieces of property with some size.
Something hefty and big big land acreage wise. So no one can get too close and mess up the privacy. Is that what you are looking for in your real estate search in Maine?
You are not alone, hear that an order placed a lot for serving up from the property kitchen. It is a common request for the property combination plate. To fill the need for lots of space to branch out, stretch and relax outside on the land. But don’t need much for a shack, shelter, small Maine home inside the boundaries of the land.
To come home, be snug as a bug in the rug.
Sometimes the Maine real estate buyer has had the big rambling multi story home out of state.
Heated it, maintained it, glad to be free of insuring and paying for the huge house.
Lower taxes, less of the structure suits them just fine at this season of their life. And the emphasis is the Maine land. Get me something with neighbors. And don’t super size the camp, cabin, home.
Maybe power, juice delivered to your door is not so important and even not wanted. Living off grid is not primitive, backward or reverting to the stone age.
Life can be more rewarding, less distracting getting away from everything needing to be plugged in, charged up.
Heating, cooking with wood from your own Maine land. Growing food from your own efforts, digging in the dirt.
Raising what you eat and knowing where it came from is a rich, warm, healthy feeling. Way of life experience of simple living. When you use the simple Maine camp, cottage like structure as the all you need home base to do it.
A small Maine home, how little is too tiny though?
Have had many Maine land buyers purchase a series of Amish made buildings from a nearby settlement.
Put them together in a connected fashion. Bolted together to serve the purpose of living arrangements. Sometimes temporary or permanent for year round living off the land.
Or lucky to live in an area of Vacationland where several Maine log cabin makers have their operation headquarters.
The kits go together like Lincoln log sets without the can and the lid. Delivered by truck, numbered, ready to assemeble.
Made from Northern Maine white cedar or pine logs native to the region.
The design of simple construction and your home walls already finished inside. Saves money and time to the finishing off your “nest’. Weather tight structure to protect you from the elements.
These Maine timbers are the square manufactured, machined log stock kind. With a notch, groove to lock together tightly. Not the big rugged, no two exactly alike round ones you are used to seeing in the western movies.
All by themselves out on the prairie. With just the wolf howls, under the moonlight, starlight with the mountain back drop, crystal clean lake setting. The family cow, a bunch of chickens and one heck of a garden to sustain them out back of the cabin.
Could you be a live aboard… small space in Maine or anywhere happy as a clam? Anything but a McMansion home layout?
Is the four walls and floor, roof not so important as being on the right piece of property, Maine land acreage?
Having space outside the small space inside is the comfort. Along with knowing less square footage of living area means almost nothing for overhead to heat, maintain.
Simple living on the Maine land. In the cabin, camp, or pitch a tent.
Less of a house, home, shelter. Which all frees you up for more fun things to do in Maine. Or around the farmstead property for chores, tending the place.
Or more important elements that come along with the not for everyon. The living off grid in your small Maine cabin, camp, home, yurt, sod roof house, whatever off the beaten path.
How small a Maine home, living space or to use for recreational part time seasonal fun is enough for you? How much land acreage in Maine is plenty?
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | |
MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton Maine 04730