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Welcome To Smyrna/Merrill, Maine!

The Story

The Two Small Communities Sharing The One Town Manager, The Same Town Office.

To conserve tax payer hard earned dollars, to avoid duplication in services, the two towns of Smyrna and Merrill share resources. Smart and a trend that is catching on as rural Maine economies get creative to stretch limited funds best. The newest settlers to Smyrna in 1996 are now numbering about 100 Amish settlers that started out on the Clifford McGary farm land purchase. March 7th, 1839 Smyrna organized. A half dozen men from Smyrna were recruited to wear blue and fight the gray as soldiers in the Civil War. Half the party did not return from the skirmish. huntley brook falls merrill

Local town fathers of Smyrna in the history books elevate Nehemiah Leavitt, a Methodist minister from Royalton Vermont to who arrived first on the scene in Smyrna in 1830. Levi Berry, William Irish also highlighted as among the first local movers and shakers for settlers.

Known first as Township 6 Range 3 before a town name stuck from an famous ancient town in Turkey. A saw mill capable of cranking out 1000 board feet a day started out in Smyrna and the fertile farm soil made potatoes a crop that did very well for local producers on their homesteads with land opened up slowly without the help of modern motorized machinery. It was 442 population in Smyrna, 273 in Merrill the last tally it up head count when everyone local was asked to please raise their hands.

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How To Get Here

In the early days, the roads were more paths and logging twitch trails. Or paddling up a river to land and walk, walk some more took weeks and months to make progress through the new vast lands of the Greant North Maine woods. Today, Interstate 95 that opened up the country along with the opening of Loring Air Force Base in Limerstone in 1950 changed all that in a big way. Take Interstate 95 Exit 286 in Oakfield to proceed west to hit US RT 2 in downtown Smyrna Mills Maine. Or if you were talking, missed it, you get a second chance. Blinker at Interstate 95 Exit 291 in Smyrna before the Brook Side Inn Restaurant and Motel. Hit US RT 2 to head east to Houlton or travel west to the village of Smyrna Mills Maine. Merrill is the same six wide by six high mile square that lies north of Smyrna.

Heading out the County or now 911 labeled Smyrna Road of US RT 2, you can check out the Oakfield foothill views, see Mount Katahdin too from some elevations as you putt along checking out farms of crops and livestock. Lilley Dairy Farms is in Smyrna and supplies the tasty milk products from their black and white Holsteins that don’t get BST growth hormone injections. All the local snow sled and ATV trails criss cross Smyrna Merrill Maine. RT 212 and The Townline Moro Road help get you north to access RT 11, the backway up into Aroostook County as you head through the Allagash and up into the St John River Valley. Fly in Presque Isle and Bangor Maine how most do to rent a car to complete the journey to this pair of shared services small Northern Maine towns of Smyrna, Merrill Maine.

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Things To Do For Fun

You picked the right place. The fun is indoors and outside, take your pick depending on the local weather. The Methodist church in Smyrna is used by the historical society, the Hysterical Players perform regular theatre plays at this venues with the delicious public suppers. Meet the locals at these events and also the year round activities held at Merrill Park, a waterfront area just as you begin up RT 212 on the right before the Rebel Hill Road. Picnics, antique car and snow sled shows, yearly town wide celebrations happen at this park with canopied picnic tables. The Smokey Hollow snow sled and ATV club next door in Oakfield have lots of events to watch for and again, public suppers. There is no better way to make friends and meet the local natives of Smyrna, Merrill and Oakfield folks who pitch in and live here in Southern Aroostook County. Low cost, highly delicious and it’s fun to break bread with the area town folk. The trails open up the natural sights in this picturesque setting. Visit Spring Break too and see the Brannen maple syrup operation at their sugar shack on US RT 2 in Smyrna just to the east of town center. Local lakes in Oakfield of Spaulding, Timoney, Skiticook offer boating, swimming and fishing fun. Ply the local woods to hunt for game. Make sure to check out Hastings Falls in Merrill Maine too. Watch the video for Hastings Falls in Merrill Maine off the Clark Road or heading in the Jackson Sluice Road to this hidden waterfalls and rock ledge private paradise. Take a ride on an Oakfield Bangor and Aroostook Train too!

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I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers your host and here to gratefully serve you.

Looking forward to providing the best insider local information from a native passionate about living here. Let me share what living here as a native I can offer you! Thank you for visiting our Maine real estate website and we will work hard to show you the ropes, the lay of the land. To give you the small town community online tour perspective the best way possible to educate and not waste your time.

You get involved living in small Maine towns. I do. You will too. You will fit in just perfectly. Proud member of the state and national REALTOR associations. Past president of the Aroostook REALTOR Council, Rotary Club, Chamber Of Commerce, the Southern Aroostook Growth Council and Drews Lake Property Owners Association. Past chairman of the Houlton Zoning Board.

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Andy Mooers, Mooers Realty Houlton Maine
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Andrew Mooers
69 North Street, Houlton, Maine 04730
PHONE: +1 (207) 532-8960
EMAIL: info@mooersrealty.com

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