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To conserve tax payer hard earned dollars, to avoid duplication in services, the two towns of Smyrna and Merrill share resources. Smart and a trend that is catching on as rural Maine economies get creative to stretch limited funds best.
March 7th, 1839 Smyrna organized. A half dozen men from Smyrna were recruited to wear blue and fight the gray as soldiers in the Civil War. Half the party leaving Maine to serve did not return from the skirmish.
Levi Berry, William Irish also highlighted as among the first local movers and shakers for settlers.
The Southern Aroostook County town first known as Township 6 Range 3. Catchy title huh? Like all the grid of township lots, that number the way a community started out in early Maine. Before a town name stuck from an famous ancient town in Turkey. Happens a lot, the name here because of a settlement established long ago somewhere else on the spinning planet.
The fertile Northern Maine farm soil made potatoes a crop that did very well for local producers on their homesteads. Land opened up slowly without the help of modern motorized machinery to develop it like today’s farming operation. It was 442 population in Smyrna, 273 in Merrill the last tally it up head count. When everyone local was asked to please raise their hands to update the census.