Homes for sale in Maine. Nothing is like the joys of owning a property.
Especially if you have children and want them to grow up in their own home. Moving around and not being able to paint the walls, make changes to your surroundings limits life. No fun when you are leasing a place and not working toward retiring the house mortgage for free and clear. Home buying is an investment.
Home ownership is not something everyone can achieve though because of credit problems, no job, poor debt ratios. More on financing a home to get out of the rent rut. Tossing all that cash in the trash. People that do that can barely stand it and renting too long is like a hang over that won’t go away.
The bare facts, the advantages of home ownership, there are tax reasons to buying a house in Maine.
You can deduct the mortgage interest expense, the property taxes and in some cases, other costs living in the house. A home business combination has lots of tax benefits.Talk to a bean counter on what is best for you in the math exercise of doing your yearly income tax. Get the personal tax deduction advise from the expert trained in which spaces to use on those IRS forms.
More and more folks buying a house are telecommuting to work online from Maine. Live in low cost Maine, without the crime and traffic but employment happening somewhere else thanks to the strong Internet connection we have in Vacationland. Get more for less with lower priced homes in Maine everywhere you look.
There are costs associated with home ownership. You or someone has to mow that lawn, paint the trim, replace housing items that wear out and were not designed to last forever. The house you buy is not the last one you will be in too. Like cars, there are starter houses. The Mr Fix you buy to flip to work your way up to a house more to your liking. That fits the ever changing needs in home ownership.
The real estate what works best for a house changes as the years pass. The medical and financial front weigh in on home ownership in Maine. So does a divorce in real estate home ownership.
A growing family needs the extra bathroom, the 4th bedroom and looks at housing differently than an elderly couple that are not so wild about stairs. Wanting to have horses or a dog kennel changes the property need house features on a small lot in a residential district. 
Tinkering and modifying the house you own. Zoning do’s and don’ts on a house use can come into play and thank goodness Home Owners Associations (HOA) that you read horror stories about nationwide are pretty rare events in small town rural Maine. In small town living, the layer of players involved in all the regulation is smaller. Everything is simpler when you get high property price tags out of the picture. Lower salaries mean less complicated. It reduces eveything down into what is important, what is of value and matters most. Needs take over the list of wants. Kids benefit from this lesson learned early on.
When you are a property tax payer with a Maine home, the connection to the small Maine community increases too.
You are concerned about rising property taxes and how the money is spent on the local level. You get involved and serve on boards. You feel pride in your local schools and get on committees to help shape the education your kids, others in the village are provided. You coach little league, join a church, volunteer and become members of service and social clubs.
Home owners do more. You are not just passing through, heading out of town on the next stage or train. You run for public office and spend some nights, weekends in workshops to improve your small town way of life. So young people can stick around and make a living here, not have to head to the city for employment. Mainers are frugal, not cheap and waste of resources, natural or other wise is not happening if the locals can help it.
When you have folks over for a social gathering, for a holiday party or just a conversation on the open front porch, the home is the center stone for your life.
It all happens at the Maine home. The holiday celebrations, the extra spaces and out buildings for lifestyle hobbies make each home a special match for the house owner. Everything becomes special when you are home sweet home. Not sharing space with other noisy not so considerate tenants when your kids are trying to nap during loud music sessions. The hooping and hollering of folks that are party animals.
The value of the Maine home increases if what you do to it is carefully thought out.
You need to replace a leaking roof or pipe. Putting too much money into areas where the housing market won’t reward is a big concern in small rural Maine real estate markets.
The new pool is cool but does not necessarily add thousands of dollars to what it will fetch when listed for sale on the open market to find a new house buyer. Utilities need to be paid, and conservation to make the house operate cheaper means developing better habits as a home owner than you observed as a renter. 
The family pets, when you have land and can have a horse, the cow, chickens, pigs and a goat. Or the ability to grow food to put on the family table at meal time. All that is enjoyed and that enriches life is tied to owning some real estate. A Home, the right house can improve your life. A house is a home when people enter the front door to spend time there. Multi generations can live under the same roof line which stretches the household budget in a good way.
Anything beats renting and helping the house owner or apartment rental unit landlord make a good living. To pay for their kid’s braces and college tuition, not your own.
Rent goes up, your payment on a fixed mortgage loan does not. Put the money into home ownership of your own, the best hedge against inflation out there to make those hard earned dollars go way way farther.
Working on the home, doing the simple TLC in the DIY from basic paint to creating an addition are satisfying. Sadly, many people rent because of mistakes they label as “young and dumb”. They want to buy but simply can not. 
Easing your way up the housing ladder to improve your life means in small rural markets, to buy a bigger home with the features you want is often easier. Than spending the money to modify a place to make it into more of your idea of what works best for this stage of your home ownership.
Affordable, plentiful housing in Maine is something to be grateful for that is not the case where eight out of ten people live.
Living just enough for the city as Stevie Wonder sang about the concrete urban jungle of thrills and chills.
Thinking of buying or selling your home in Maine, or any property listing? Here to help in your real estate needs when you are ready to talk about buying or selling property listings.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | info@mooersrealty.com |
MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton Maine 04730 USA