The sale of real estate in Maine, no one likes to wait around.
Unless they are having doubts about a sale and still getting use to the idea of letting go, moving on. More on seller’s remorse because it does not just happen to buyers of property. Cold feet occurs because buying and selling property is life changing decision and highly stressful.
In most sales, the clock is ticking loudly. Some sellers understand the delays in a sale when a real estate professional takes the time to explain the causes. And suggests ways to remove the stumbling blocks keeping a real estate sale from happening. 
Here is a seller’s email while waiting for a sale to happen so they can get on with their life.
“Hello. Any interest in the house yet? We have been thinking about taking the house off the market at the end of September. Maybe you could use that to get some interest in this place. If we do that we are not sure about listing again in the spring or not.
(NOTE – Telling the public this place won’t be on the market much longer does not force a sale to happen quicker. It takes times for a buyer to prepare to purchase and if a place is going off the market soon, they look to properties that will still be available when they are all set to move forward with a sale.)
” We are not going lower on the price but will still consider any reasonable offers, if any.”
(NOTE – If you are looking for any reasonable offers, if you are consider taking less for a sale price, show it in the listing price offered to buyers. Don’t leave the price parked hoping for one brave soul to come forward and make an offer. Open it up and tell the World. Buyers filter and sort through the MLS offerings. They don’t look at everything that is not in their price range. When you lower the price, it shows up in more searches. Adjust your price on places not selling that are being marketing to the hilt if you expect a sale.)

“The way I see it, we listed the house to sell, not to play a waiting game. We need to make plans for the future and don’t have the opportunity of endless time to make decisions.”
(NOTE – Property sales are tied to supply and demand. Better marketing helps sales help faster because it does the job more completely and removes doubt. It expands the reach and size of the audience when it is far reaching.)
“No… I don’t understand how selling real estate works or how buyers think. I just want to sell this house now. Who knows what the future holds but our lives right now depends on making decisions.”
(NOTE) When you have had multiple real estate agents, and the market slides to lower values on what’s selling, waiting is more apt to happen unless the price is adjusted to reflect the current market. It is not what you have to have for a sale price, it is what the market will bear and how your property stacks up against what else is available for current inventory for buyers to consider.
“Maybe you could market this house like Marden’s,…..buy it when you see it, or maybe going, going, gone, or time’s running out. Just be honest with buyers that we want to sell but we’re not going to wait forever. “
(NOTE) Mardens is a salvage supply retailer that has the motto “You should have bought it when you saw it at Mardens”. People in Maine love Mardens, a bargain and with our lower salaries, cheaper way of living, being frugal is a life survival skill.

“Let me know what you think.
I want the buyers from today not one or two or ten years from now.
Isn’t that the reason for listing in the first place?? If it does not sell than that will be one decision less that we have to plan for.”
(NOTE) When you are ready to sell, it is bring in the buyer not now but right now. Everything in your life is held up and you are treading water waiting, waiting, anxious. Your life is on hold. We get it and take steps to remove the delays, we see the red flags that can delay the real estate closing from happening. But people have lives that don’t all run like clock work and emotions, other people’s contingencies to a purchase all get stirred into the real estate soup nuts and bolts. What else can
throw a wrench into the real estate cogs and mess up a perfectly good property sale.
You need to sell the real estate ASAP, a buyer and seller don’t participate in a property sale every day and often it is once or twice in a life time that the experience happens.
And every real estate sale is not quite the same for the circumstances, the temperaments, the financial pressure. I believe that location, location, location are pretty important factors to consider in a real estate sale. But until the property sells, I am in limbo. That is how a seller feels. They want to know what is the next step, when do I take it.
Waiting around is stressful and expensive.
Because you want to move on and don’t know when all this is going to happen. It feels like procrastinating when you are Johhny On The Spot. Ready to roll but it is hurry up and wait. Take a number and have a seat does not work in our drive through society today.
But timing, timing. timing of the buyer and seller being ready, willing and able to buy is more important to a successful real estate sale. Here are things buyers can do to help a sale. More that sellers have a role in to aid a property listing trasfer. If you are buying, selling, trading property, and need a real estate professional to help guide the process, MOOERS REALTY is here to help in the listing sale.
MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton Maine 04730 USA