Welcome to historic, friendly Linneus, Maine!
Things To Do For Fun
Drews Lake, Nickerson Lake, Russell and Skiticook Lakes are all fun choices. Everyone love water. A lake improves everything. Watch a video on Drews Lake. Visit the Linneus Sno Sports sled club for Bingo, for live music, suppers. All the recreation trails cross back and forth to open up Linneus Maine to whatever method of travel you feel like on any given day. Hit the state trail maps link below for more on how to get around Linneus, Northern Maine.
Eat way too much at Grammy’s Country Inn Restaurant and woddle out feeling defeated because you are carrying several white containers. Just try to eat one of the three pound, manhole cover sized whoopie pies and see how much sugar a body can really handle.
Everything is super sized without asking at Grammy’s Country Inn Restaurant.
Formery know as Bither’s Inn, Smith Diner’s and at one time held down the Linneus post office. There is a red deer farm next door. They don’t know how to fly as far as we can figure. The meat is lean and tasty. The antlers ground up into powder have secret powers that come alive when the lights go out I am told. Here, try a stick of venison beef jerky if you are fighting off the mid morning or afternoon munchies.
Cross country ski trails are around the snow sled club house. The play ground has ball fields and Community Day once a year so you will get a chance to meet the local population.
Attend a Hodgdon Hawks ball game or musical or theatre presentation. Canoe or kayak the Meduxnkeag River. Watch a video on this river race that ends up in Houlton Maine that has its headwaters at Drews Lake in Linneus. Technically, Drews Lake shows up on the maps as Meduxnekeag Lake but good luck calling it that in conversations looking for directions to it with that name!
The Haunted Hayride in Linneus is lots of fun, raises plenty of money for the Linneus Park and Recreational Department programs.
The hayride over three weekends, two nights each used to be held around the Linneus Sno Sports clubhouse but got so big, it is now out of the the Linneus fire department, the old Roosevelt School house. The funds raised help pay for little league, maintainance of the sports fields, underwriting pee wee basketball and much more. The red colored Roosevelt School had Kay Williams as a cook known for miles around for her meals, her desserts especially. Many educators outside that school who had business to attend to there made sure it was around lunch time to sample one of Kaay’s amazing school lunches, especially the mile high just baked chocolate cake. Her frosting was a secret weapon. Her son Ed went on to become a well known local doctor back in a time when anyone with MD after their name carried a black bag and did make area housecalls for the down and out sick in bed.
Hike up Drews Mountain, Crow or Adams Hill and head over to the wilderness lake called Skiticook where most of the waterfront is in T4 R3 unorganized territory. Where most of the camps are in in the northeast corner, numbering about 28 located in Oakfield Maine. Learn the story about Crow Hill in Linneus Maine. Stop in to see town manager Carroll Willette, his predecessor Fran Hutchinson who still works there, and newby Mary McGillicuddy who run the duties of the municipality. Ken Knowles used to be a town manager back when Hodgdon and Linneus shared the same one.
If you are here just before Christmas, pick up a Linneus Christmas tree from Doris or David Scott. Say hello to Amelia, the daughter who will be helping load your tree or shortening up the stump butt to make sure it will fit in your living room. Bring some rope for hoisting and lashing the fresh balsam fir tree to your roof ski rack for the long ride home. Local business in the cash and carry is the best and helps the small town economy. We all strive to cater and supprt the local banks, attorneys, insurance agents, repair and product retailers in the greater Houlton Maine area. Those dollars kept circulating here turn over six to seven times. Houlton Regional and Katahdin Valley Community Health Center keep you on your feet if you need medical attention while living or visiting Linneus Maine.
Work the potato harvest and help out the local Linneus Maine farmers. Making money, getting all kinds of free potatoes at the same time. If you glean the fields where harvesters cover a lot of crowd but miss potatoes of all sizes. Just right for a root cellar to put a big dent in your grocery bill this winter. Just make sure to get those left behind potatoes before sunburn happens or frost exposure if days tick by before you do your gleaning. Blueberries, pick them at a local Linneus farm too. Stay tuned as we double back to add to the list of things to do for fun in Linneus Maine. Lots of wood cutters, logging related businesses in Linneus Maine which means stories. I can tell you a few about Smith’s Lunch back when Linneus Maine had it’s own zip code and the Roosevelt School was full of lively, bright eyed children getting dosed with the three ‘R’s. Linneus is a bedroom community for Houlton Maine.