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Welcome To Monticello, Maine!

The Story

Monticello Maine, You Remember Crossing The Medexnekeag River There Right?

The town of Monticello Maine in Aroostook County. We’ve spotlighted Monticello Maine before but more information can’t hurt right?

Settled first in 1830, incorporated on July 29th, 1846, the town was owned by General Joel Wellington of Albion. He thought monticello me communityWellington Plantation had a nice ring to it but in honor of President Thomas Jefferson’s estate home, the signs announcing your town arrival were re-labeled Monticello.

The North branch of the Meduxnekeag River winds through Monticello and like most early Maine rural settlements, water for mill power, for industry and home living meant let’s set up shop around usually a river.

Potato farms, woods operations are two primary commercial enterprises in Monticello, Maine.

The Monticello Grange Hall #338 two story smasher built in 1922 after a fire destroyed the original historic structure the year before had a hard winter and is coming down.

This Grange hall like the organization played a big role in the local day to day. Everything from school plays, musical shows, even graduation happened at this community center.

In 1974 a stage was added to the Wellington School to replace the only other one at the Grange. MOOERS REALTY sold the Wellington School after RSU 29 consolidation forced its closure.

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How To Get Here

Some Maine towns are hidden and hard to locate or even give easy directions to a stranger who rolls down his car window looking for help.

Monticello Maine is a piece of cake to find because it is located on the US RT 1 main artery to Aroostook County.

US RT 1 Splits the town in half north to south.

Don’t speed, it’s patrolled heavily. You thump thump cross a large bridge in Monticello before heading up a hill on US RT 1 leaving town. Monticello Maine has a US port of entry from New Brunsiwck Canada at the end of the Fletcher Road.

There are no airports, train stations, taxi services in Monticello Maine. But Cyr Bus Lines serves Aroostook County with daily passenger service runs.

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Things To Do For Fun

The Monticello Fish And Game Club and Russell Rock, The Meduxnekeag Ramblers Snow Sled Club in Littleton to the south are two Monticello Maine downtown photosources for entertainment. Sliding winters on the big hill heading into the fish and game facility gives exercise and laughter to local families too!

Heading into Harvey Siding to the east opens up the unorganized territories of the Great North Woods. The snow sled and ATV four wheeler trails are one of the best ways to see natural beauty that is not easily accessed by car.

Sporting camps leased from large old name and paper company holdings are like being at Disneyland without all the people.

It is truly like owning hundreds of thousands of acres of recreational land all to enjoy all by yourself. The Whispering Pines Camp Ground is located on the shores of Conroy Lake in Monticello Maine.

Come by trail ride or using public highways to enjoy food from Monticello’s Blue Moose Inn on the South end of town visible from US RT before heading down hill into the center of town.

The Monticello Country Store has grocery items, take out or eat in fast food items and gas.

It’s located across from the Monticello US Post Office using zip code “04760”. Ever made it up to the Coyote Club out in the burbs of Monticello Maine?

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I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers your host and here to gratefully serve you.

Looking forward to providing the best insider local information from a native passionate about living here. Let me share what living here as a native I can offer you!

Thank you for visiting our Maine real estate website and we will work hard to show you the ropes, the lay of the land.

To give you the small town community online tour perspective the best way possible to educate and not waste your time.

You get involved living in small Maine towns. I do. You will too. You will fit in just perfectly.

Proud member of the state and national REALTOR associations. Past president of the Aroostook REALTOR Council, Rotary Club, Chamber Of Commerce, the Southern Aroostook Growth Council and Drews Lake Property Owners Association. Past chairman of the Houlton Zoning Board. 

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Andy Mooers, Mooers Realty Houlton Maine
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Andrew Mooers
69 North Street, Houlton, Maine 04730
PHONE: +1 (207) 532-8960
EMAIL: info@mooersrealty.com

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