

Maine, Just ME.

Showing New To The Area Property Buyers Or Renters The Surroundings. The Lay Of The Maine From Local Insiders Andrew Mooers, ME REALTOR. The state of Maine. Big topic for a little blog post about Maine. The state up here in the upper right hand corner of the nation. Parked on the Canadian border. Where no, it is not dangerous living this close to Canada.  But back to Maine. Just how to sum up the...

sun mist maine winter photo

Home Heating Fuel Oil Assistance In Maine, Need Some Help With Oil?

We write a lot of blog posts in Maine and the ones on saving money go through the roof for views, clicks. Like one awhile back about heating fuel oil assistance in Maine helpful links, information. But it is time for an update on help for heating your home in Maine this winter. Because keeping kids in an apartment, household, elderly people warm while the snow piles up in Maine is pretty important...


Maine Real Estate Blogs, Posts

Buying or selling Maine real estate is serious business. Emotional too because it involves good and bad, up and down periods of a person's life when change is needed. It is easier to buy a property in Maine when you don't have a mortgaged one to sell too. So the fine art of listing, marketing,  pitfalls. The twists and turns that can cause a property sale train wreck. Requiring  careful study,...

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