What’s available for waterfront properties for sale in Maine?
There is no other category of property listing that is sought after as much as waterfront real estate.
The reason for the increased demand? Part of it is the supply is never great enough. The other drawback is waterfront real estate is always a super investment.
It holds its value and appreciates. Which makes buying waterfront properties in Maine always expensive.
More pricey than other real estate listing near the waterfront but not smack dab on it.
So what to consider when looking for anything on the water in Maine?
If it is an empty river, pond, lake lot, make sure the waterfront land is buildable. Being up to date on current state of Maine shoreland zoning regulations is a big requirement wading into a waterfront property purchase. Because you want more than a day lot that you can visit but not build on.
Also, besides being schooled on the latest shoreland zoning rules and laws, you better visit the town office where the property is located. To make sure there are not above and beyond beefed up regulations to know about because you get a cease and desist order from local code enforcement officials. More on shoreland zoning in Maine when considering a purchase of waterfront property.
Existing waterfront properties may have code violations or be in need of septic system updates or a conversion permit. To change the use from seasonal to year round. The septic system designed for handling the load of occasional visits was never intended to be put to the test of long teenage daughter showers or multiple washer machine loads.
New septic systems are pricey but needed to protect the waterfront quality. Adding on to the existing structure has limits. Knowing what you legally can or will not be able to do going in has a major bearing on your waterfront properties for sale in Maine selection process.
So what’s available… hit the link for waterfront properties for sale in Maine.
Consider a camp in Maine for seasonal use. Or a waterfront home for retirement or to rent out when you are not using it until you do relocate to Maine. Either way, the investment in anything parked on the water in Maine will never be regretted. Pass it on to the next generation. Share it with loved ones and build memories with the water in the background of everything you do.
Swimming, boating, fishing, water ski, kayak, sail out front of whatever waterfront properties for sale in Maine that you do end up purchasing. Morning coffee looking out over the waterfront or evening talks next to it will never be forgotten. There is something spiritual about being on the water in Maine. Ocean, lake, pond, river, brook or stream, it does not matter when something fresh and bubbling is moving that neighbors your Maine real estate investment.
Many times you can owner financing waterfront land too.
Before you know it, the property is paid for free and clear.
A second home, a vacation real estate property purchase is the most fun you will ever have in your life if you make the time to enjoy it.
And like a home, get in the game. Don’t rent year after year but purchase some waterfront property in your price range.
Then improve it or sell it for a profit and keep working your way up to get what you want.
Your needs change so what you spend time at on the waterfront in Maine will too.
Maine is blessed with lots of waterfront that is clean, unspoiled and all natural.
Being a little ways off the beaten path helps preserve it. We are brought up in Maine to respect the great outdoors and to work with Mother Nature to protect it. You are supposed to leave your waterfront properties in Maine to your children in as good or better shape than you were lucky enough to receive it.
Buying, selling waterfront properties in Maine, MOOER REALTY is here to help you in the process. We start by listening. Are more of matchmakers than a salesman. We want the right fit and when it is, the property you get sold itself because it works best. Needing that kind of approach to buying something in the Maine real estate listing inventory? With forty year of experience, we can make the real estate process quick, easy, painless.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | info@mooersrealty.com |
MOOERS REALTY 69 North ST Houlton ME 04730 USA