Sticking around or bolting out of the Maine home for sale door, to the real estate on the market hunting for a buyer?
Should the Maine home seller stay or go? This question is batted around the real estate circles with professionals usually says leave please.
The agent or broker will take it from here thank you very much.
My take on stay or go is it depends. On the dynamics of the market, the location away from where the buyer lives out of state and if the seller helps or hurts the process. A Maine farm takes more time to tour, like a small business listing than just a home on a small lot.
Have found a Maine real estate property listing seller on board a deterrent in only the cases where they follow around and try to help sell to the point of being obnoxious.
Trying too hard or just talking too much, domineering the tour the way the seller thinks best.
Instead of the pace and stops the buyer wants to make.It should be free and easy and not like a Disney turnstyle and back and forth to kill time in line right? But zip through slam bam can kill the chances of a sale to the buyer treated with too much haste. That feels neckreined like a horse pushed hard and kicked by the spurs at a barrel race.
Making small talk, chit chat takes away from the job at hand showing a property listing.
To serious consider this piece of real estate as something to invest in or to keep looking. Does it fit or not?
It is a big deal and a lot of money for the buyer to decide to shell out. If this is “the one”. And understandable the seller wants to get on with his or her life and have a sold sign ride screwed on the silent salesman out front of the sticks and bricks.
Maine is a rural state.
A ways up the pike. Lots of our out of state, out of country Maine real estate buyers are after the rural properties. Giving up city living and lack of space but plenty of crime and high price of surviving the concrete jungle.
To take it easy and enjoy life at a simpler place in small town, country living Maine.
These folks are after a Maine farm or waterfont vacation place type property listing. They want more than a 20 minute tour too. After driving 16 hours, wracking up the where to eat and sleep, the gas fill ups and tolls. To get to see the spread in person listing show and tell.
It is good to have the Maine home or whatever kind of property buyers meet the sellers who are so passionate about the place too.
Especially if they built the home and all the love and attention are evident to all on the property tour. All the details from the buyer’s answers to important questions on things only the seller that built the place would know and share.
Sometimes we interview these kind of sellers on and off camera during the property listing video production.
They help sell the property with the enthusiasm and rich detail that is not salesmanship but honesty.
A little regret they have to sell shows through too which builds respect and adds value to the property.
In the seller’s heart they don’t want to let go but in their head it is often time.
And a new adventure awaits in their life as seasons change and property needs, economics do too.
The sellers of property during the listing showing if it is decided it is best to be on board but to the side.
Instead of suggesting why don’t you wander out for breakfast, go get an ice cream at the dairy bar or hit Wally World?
Yes Houlton Maine has a Walmart, store #1974. There is another one just over the border of Canada, in Woodstock New Brunswick too.
I have the property owner, the sellers reading the paper on the porch or deck. Or out doing regular chores as we introduce, talk briefly and then come back to them in the end of the circle around the property.
Asking a few questions to the seller that I already know the answer to to prove key points. So the seller is telling them about the concerns a buyer had in particular areas so they can help them rest assured … to end up buying the place. It works. Tell the seller to expect those questions as an agent, broker, REALTOR posing them for the buyer’s benefit.
Also, when a Maine real estate property listing buyer does not keep the appointment on time because we are many moons away from population centers, having the seller working along, at home for that hour or two or more delay makes them everyone happy not crabby.
It is just considerate that the seller has a life, we let them lead it. Especially when they have farm chores that should not be put on hold to clear the deck. Make themselves scarce around the premises.
Nothing worse than shooing them away, and when they come home an hour after your showing was scheduled planned on without them on board, they drive in as just as I the broker with the buyers do.
Those were real estate property listing sellers you did not want on board… and they did not want to be either so here we go.
We don’t have the problems with other agents because 95% of our sales are list them, sell them. We don’t take a side with my buyer, my seller set up like a courtroom and it is property matchmaking, working out the kinks like a mediator not litigator that happens in a friendly way.
Listings are kings. Have the most and you dominate your real estate market.
Often with Maine land showing, the owner has a four wheeler, will take one of the couple on back or on their own machine to tour the back forty. While the rest of the gang tour the barn, the machine shed or the house again.
Freedom to go at the pace the property buyer wants and needs. To ask as many questions directly to the owner.
Getting the long answers and in the way the property listing buyer wants.
Feeding on the information and involved in the collection of what they want to know that the listing propaganda did not quite touch on or cover sufficiently.
That builds trust, reinforces what we already have put into the marketing listing details and video.Information is powerful and clarity is everything to remove the murky or unknown, unseen. The not so obvious.
The extra stuff that is important to the buyer of the Maine real estate but that they want to get more helpings of the property listing information.
So unless they are a shadow, or have a couple unruly pitbulls, some other hungry looking not so friendly dog that might scare the little ones, I keep the Maine real estate property listing home owner on board.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | |
MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton Maine 04730