Big Pieces Of Maine Land Are Great But A Little Can Be A Lot



Big pieces of Maine land, the thought of owning hundreds of acres is a delicious dream to many.

But a little less Maine land can be a lot, more than enough to provide over the top enjoyment of the property investment. This blog post quickly looks at when just a little Maine land works just fine. When all you need is a spot, to get your foot in the door so to speak with Maine land ownership and enjoyment.maineland1For starters, money is always an object or limiting factor buying Maine land.

There is an old Maine expression about farmers being “land poor”. Like in the game of Monopoly, buying everything you land on takes it toll and you end up having to mortgage something to stay in the game. You ever coined the phrase about “Maine land, they are not making anymore of it” is so right. When you do the math calculations of the price per acre and see the giant land acreages in rural Maine that are listed for sale, excitement grows. The out of state Maine land buyer thinks he or she is stealing the property because where they live large acreages don’t exist. And what is available for land listings for sale is two, three and more times higher priced. 

So back to the premise buying Maine land that a a big piece is wonderful but a small lot or plot can do the trick just as well.

The blog post title on Maine land above considers what drives the need for the acreage, why the buyer is searching online for this type of listing. Land just land in Maine buyers more often than not just want a cheap vacation property for the four season recreation options all around it.

The Maine land is used as a base to explore and discover the four season natural beauty of unspoiled Maine.

Camping and tenting and sleeping under the stars starting out after the real estate closing. Maybe pulling up the travel trailer just sinking in their too small back yard where they live the urban city setting. The one surrounded by fencing like a fort to protect the family members inside from outside hassles.

Eventually putting up a cabin or something more permanent on the property in Maine as the budget allows.

land in maine

Or if the Maine land buyer can get their brother in law the carpenter to help them build one. Maybe sliding in an Amish building that are new, solid and cheap to be the cottage to run away to for rest and relaxation. When the Mine land buyer heads “uptah camp in Maine”. And all their neighbors get used to seeing the packed to the gills station wagon, mini van or SUV leaving  their yard for increasingly longer periods of time. 

When there is a Monday holiday and a long weekend ahead, many Maine land buyers I worked with to find the best fit property listing leave home Thursday night after work.

They are all packed Wednesday night when the light goes out and the household heads to bed. And as soon as the quitting whistle sounds like in the Flintstone cartoons and Fred slides down the neck of a dinosaur doubling as as excavator, the family bolts. Running to the packed sedan with just enough room to sit in their assigned places.

Buckle up, hang on, we are heading North to cross the big green bridge. Children, parents, the family dog, snacks and drinks and luggage too all inside. Climb on board to beeline it to Maine blast off is underway folks. 

When you use of the Maine land is for hunting, fishing, hitting the recreational trails to bike, hike, use something with a motor on it to enjoy Vacationland, a small parcel works just fine.

It has to be big enough to meet minimum lot standards and be build-able. The state 20,0000 square foot minimum, about .4 of an acre used to work everywhere in Mane and many older lots created are grandfathered in for property building. New lots create are at least an acre, more the two acre size with 200′ road frontages and soil tested when cookie cut out of a large piece of Maine land. 

Subdivisions cost money for surveys, local town board approvals, the study of roads, drainage and in larger Maine towns to clear the hurdles of zoning requirements. The lots in a subdivision can make a Maine land buyer say whoa. I am trying to get away from neighbors, that is what I picked rural Maine. They don”t want to be in a subdivision because they already are at home. Might as well save some gas and highway tolls and bag the trip to Maine if that’s the case.

So lone lots, a couple acres here and there owned for years are your best deal buying property, just Maine land.

With a forty acre parcel, the right down to the inch boundary line is not so important. You plan to build in the middle and there is plenty of buffer space if you are off a few feet either way. But with the small lots of land for sale in Maine, it is more critical to know where are all my boundary lines. Also when you build, any existing well or septic system on the neighboring properties have to be considered.

If you can not get 100′ feet or more away from your well or someone else’s water source, then maybe how you want to use the land lot is not going to work.

If it is not a build-able lot, what good is it? Oh sure, you could buy more land if it is available to add to your runt of the litter too small lot. Or to get around the existing neighbors that create limitations or restricted use of the Maine land lot. But paying a ransom, shelling out anything to add to the land base often makes it better to keep looking. There is plenty of low cost Maine land smaller acreages to consider that you don’t have the “take it or leave it” pressure to try to make a difficult property situation work. land buying in maine

Things to look for in smaller land for sale in Maine property listings?

Be careful. It is a perk if the Maine land is already surveyed, with marked corners and blazed red or orange or whatever color lines are easiest to see. If there is a building pad of nicely compacted gravel already in place, that gets bonus points. Power pole with temporary service to plug your RV into just adds to it’s obvious which piece of smaller Maine land you are going to pick. Already soil tested and comes with the stamp approved licensed plumbing inspector seal for septic design saves money and the worry wondering is it build-able or not.

The view, level to rolling terrain for good drainage, proximity to a Maine land public boat landing does not hurt the land either.

Dead end road quiet trumps main US highway with fast moving log trucks and thoughts of the Pet Sematary Stephen King book and movie. If the land for sale in Maine has a creative thinking seller offering owner financing terms, move many more spaces approaching your real estate closing. Owner financing can custom make the payment to fit your monthly budget to a “T”. For the land buyer wanting to avoid the extra bank charges, time delay too jumping through the added hoops to buy the Maine property  acreage.

Banks will lend on Maine land but down payment and interest rates are higher to make it worth their while.

Babysitting the land mortgage loan means it’s gonna cost you. The Maine bank has to hang onto the mortgage paper for ten, fifteen years and is locked in no matter what interest rates do. The bank lending money on the land can not package it up to sell on the secondary mortgage market. For the hit and run upfront profit like home lending financial institutions enjoy. Owners of Maine land do not have to replace it like a home when they sell either. The Maine land usually bought with cash or owner financing terms. Often long paid off free and clear. It can be win win if owner financing Maine land terms are set up properly. Maine land is low cost too and we are not talking financing several hundred thousands of dollars either. land in maine

Big pieces of Maine land are great but a little can be a lot.

The smaller size acreages provide you the spot in Maine. The lower acreage size land parcels can do the trick just fine. When you build a small cabin or place a pre made camp on the Maine land, adding the utilities, it can be rented out to others for profit The little camp on the couple acres up in Maine represents a low cost vacation investment.

The small camp property on a couple acres of land can be promoted as your own private recreational hotel with one unit to promote.

I have sold Maine land to buyers who build one then another and it grows into a collection of rentals. The cabins come complete with a home made collection of images, maps, details on how to have fun renting this fine cabin up in Maine.

The notebook three binder on the kitchen table gives suggestions on where to get the best pizza, things to do for fun and other FAQ that the new to the Maine area tourist has. The images hanging on the four walls are all enticing photos showing all the fun recreational options while you are here using this rental property as the jump off point. To explore and discover Northern Maine.

In real estate, your journey is always interesting and helpful to someone who starts it after you did.

Blogging on any topic helps develop an audience that needs help and guidance. That is probably why your search landed you here where you are still reading. Thank you for that. Many that rent out the property start a website or blog and add to it. The Internet is where to be found these days for anything. Just Google it is something all of us do right? Many land buyers hold up on the what’s for sale for current property listings. They need local community area information first. Find out about the Maine communities, where the land is located you are toying with investing in if everything checks out and feels right.

Start small and think of the money you save every time you use the Maine land real estate investment.

The smaller lot of land location is all you may be after. Not planning to grow forty acres of vegetables or to fence in a pasture for a hundred head of cattle. Your land can be across the road from a large acreage that is strongly held and provides you with the feeling of “it’s all yours” peace and privacy. Or the lay of the land can be steep drop off terrains that can not be developed. So you don’t need to own it. Yes, big pieces of Maine land are great but a little can be a lot if located correctly. Bring your checklist and start sizing up the property acreages to locate the best all around fit.

Also, once you own and start enjoying your ten acres of Maine land, other properties bordering it will in time come up for sale.

landrainphotoYou can add to what you own and before you know it, your Maine land investment portfolio has some depth to it. You manage the wooded sections with careful selective cutting or thinning for profit. The open sections that are fertile Maine farm pasture fields can be rented out to local farmers for yearly income. Be a good steward and treat the land in Maine with respect so it gets passed on in as good, hopefully better condition.

Erosion, having your soil racing, carried by heavy rains and dumping contaminants into a precious Maine lake or stream is something to be very concerned about with land. There are lots of funding sources from the USDA and Natural Resource Conservation Service for erosion control. The rock lined ditches along your access roads slow the water down. Here to help with maximizing your property enjoyment and point you in the right direction to protect it. Let’s talk by phone, email, come visit us in person!

The money the land in Maine generates helps pay it off and takes care of the annual property taxes. Land in Maine, you get a lot of property acreage for a low price. Especially the further up into the belly and in the direction of northern Maine you venture. Big supply, a little off the beaten path make for value priced Maine land in rural sections. I will help you do your Maine land buying homework and give you the local insider perspective to help select the best piece of real estate for you today! 

Large acreages of Maine land, we have those in all types of open, wooded, or the waterfront.

Plenty of locations and prices to fit any property buying budget size. Little lots and maybe you only need a few acres of Maine land. It all starts with talking about what you want to do with the land, what the budget allows and finding you the best real estate fit. The small lot that gets the cabin added and provides years of enjoyment is often a stepping stone. Like your first car, it is a starter opportunity to test the waters and go from there.farms for sale me land

The small Maine land acreage purchase gets the property owner familiar with the area.

You have your foot in the door to start spending time in a whole new part of the World. The little lot land purchase can lead to a relocation move to use it for more than just occasional vacation use. Maybe the land bought knowing full well a retirement move is in the plans in the next five years. With the transition done slowly, methodically no mistakes made. It’s your life, your land in Maine to use as you and your family see best. Land is an investment, the one you enjoy the most because they stopped making it a while ago.

One more thing to keep in mind that may save worrying when buying land in Maine.

The small Maine land acreage that on the map shows lots of other neighboring lot owners. Where you live now out of state, you may be use to 300 lot subdivisions popping up and crazy fast development. You can easily from that experience believe the same will happen all around you up here in rural Maine.

Because Maine is so vast, due to the longer travel time to just get up here and drive back, that worry of sudden building going on all around you is gone. Many who buy the land in Maine of any size acreage hope to use their property often but the distance north makes that a little harder. We are protected, insulated not isolated and the land prices in Maine are way way under valued. 

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker

207.532.6573 |  | 

MOOERS REALTY 69 North ST Houlton ME 04730

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