Open Areas In Maine Properties, Not Tight Hallways, No Doorways.

maine lake home living room photo

The design of Maine properties, homes with open concept layouts.

Not tight, dark, long hallways of wasted space. Those just compartmentalize a place and restrict easy flow of heating or cooling too. When we list, market, sell Maine land, to folks that want to build, it is big time exciting. maine lake home living room photo

To hear about the structures they dream of having hammered out, erected. Staging put up, constructed for their finally Maine home sweet home.

The long list of what goes into the new Maine home filled with all they did not like in other homes to date. What to avoid considered.

And everything they wanted but did not have in their past houses factored into the new construction. Poured into the Maine home building blueprint design.

Cathedral living area where your kitchen, dining, living room are all one big space. To join forces rounding up the individual areas to work in sweet harmony. Your Maine home 24×24 cathedral ceiling living space is bigger when the furniture placement defines the layout. Not sheetrock and hung doors to slice and dice up the new Maine home living area.

More and more with rising fuel, heating prices, the most efficient use of combined space for Maine homes under construction is happening.

What is being built is making it seem larger, open. More glass, splash. Combined space to reinforce each part of the use a home owner puts the house into action for daily living. Joining forces for the best take away final impression when it is wide open, wall to wall long and high ceilings for the added space, angles.

And instead of something to paint and paper, it’s a shif. To lots of glass on the south facing side with the view. Knotty pine, native Northern Maine white, red cedar is the order of the day. Used to make it low maintenance and warm, rich looking for a natural comfortable feel. maine lake view photo

MEMO | When you living in Maine, you really don’t spend a ton of time indoors.

Miss too much. So it is like a living room without wall.

What is sought. Outside like a kid happens all over again if new to these parts.

Or if a native, it never changes. Instead of Mom calling you to come inside from playing now. It’s your wife, girlfriend or other half. That knows the attraction to outdoor living outside those Maine homes. Any of the four seasons. We don’t hibernate, there are no polar bears, igloos in Maine. So so many myths but they tried to tell Chris Columbus the World was flat.

The open decks or better yet patios that don’t need sealer, expensive lake dusk maine photopressure treated replacement boards and railings, steps.

Stone layed out in a pattern of angled slate pieces, paver tiles.

Something to create a solid surface, solid footing for carefree outdoor living.

Next to the outdoor fireplace or gas grill special spot where the sizzle happens at a Maine water front vacation home. For the grilling and chilling. Drinking something hot or cold, leaning back. Watching wildlife perform, hearing the lake loons tuning up for their next evening musical set.

The crickets filling the background intermission time until the haunting solos, cries. While the sun drops, heads to bed. Makes way for the moon to hoist high overhead. Light up the floor show of fire flies, bull frogs and green, red, white lighted floating vessels drifting by your front row VIP seating.

Maine homes, building from scratch on just land.

You decide how big a piece, type, location of property listing. Special maine lake home cathedral open photoproperty acreages next to a Maine lake, river, something fun for recreational H2O.

Or with a view of mountains, roling fields. That will make your jaw drop from say a Maine lake home breakfast nook.

Panoramic, pristine scenery that you never get tired of looking, gawking at from our kitchen.

That you rise and shine wake up to daily.

Because Maine is loaded to the gills. With those Kodak moments, memory making spots. That pull hard, tug on the heart strings.

Pick your spot, unroll the tight cylinder of house plans. Buy your Maine land and when you are ready, the time is right to build you do with careful thought, a dream.

Slowly, dilberately but within budget waking up from that happy place. And rock solid to last. The Maine home on just raw land takes place. Not have ask for a do over, second chance to get it right because no hurry. No gun to the head to go go go mess it up in the helter skelter mad dash.

Happy ending to the Maine home building movie. And without the undo, make do, redo that many exisiting Maine homes demand. As soon and all the time you own them. Which in the long run is way way more expensive than building a home on Maine land that is all brand new, done right, has “YOU” written all over it.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker

207.532.6573  |   | 

MOOERS REALTY  69 North Street Houlton ME 04730

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