The employment picture, do you need a job, work in Houlton Maine to pay the bills?
To keep the wolf from your door. Food on the table, to meet your financial obligations that depend on a job. Earning your keep is less of a hassle when you get independence from debt though. Living without monthly bills is one of the major reasons that draws folks to Northern Maine’s Aroostook County. Financial chain release is a common response to what attracts folks to this part of Vacationland.
Renewaable resources like burning wood from your own Maine land if a homesteader replaces being energy dependent.
Knowing what you eat, feed your family is pretty near and dear to Mainer’s who have a patch of dirt and farmstead a simpler life on or off grid.
So back to jobs, employment, work in Houlton Maine.
Do they grow on trees and make your head spin trying to decide which one is best. No. Like the lower priced real estate listings, the salaries and number of job options to further your career are limited. Less people, fewer jobs and highly skilled employment choices in Houlton Maine are scarce.
Some folks bring their job with them and work online in Northern Maine.
Others what to change what they have been doing and don’t want the stress of chasing the dollar to make ends meet that high cost city living demands.
The local Houlton Pioneer Times newspaper or Bangor Daily News post employment opportunities, jobs in Northern Maine.
But not like you see in say the Boston Globe or New York Times.
In small Northern Maine towns, word of mouth is huge.
Folks are friendly, want to help and if you reach out, they will give suggestions back on jobs in Houlton that pop up but don’t stay vacant for long.
Filling up quickly so you have to be cat like ready.
Looking for a job in Houlton Maine means the round robin of employment portals has to happen.
Letters and resumes from job seekers need to be created and delivered to the businesses in Southern Aroostook and Northern Maine. I would recommend the Career Center as one job site to post your skills and talents, other employment requirements.
The list of job portals for employment that work best are not the sign up and pay for the service either.
In larger population areas, the competition for that coveted front page position on search engines is missing. Less of everything from traffic, pollution, crime go along with crowding around the search engine results for jobs, work, employment in Houlton Maine. Craigslist job options for Houlton Maine.
When someone needs a position filled, that employer starts the job searching drum beating locally first.
Someone who lives and is already in Houlton Maine has the distinct advantage. To show up, hopefully have a good interview for the job and start immediately.
So specific larger employers in Houlton Maine that have turn over and positions to fill on a regular basis?
Houlton Maine is the county seat, the Shiretown so lots of state, federal and county agency jobs to consider.
The portal for state of Maine jobs in Houlton Maine. Since 911, the USA / Canadian border has been beefed up on both sides. Home Land Security jobs in Houlton Maine. Customs, Immigration, Border Patrol jobs in Houlton Maine are another career employment option for many.
Houlton Regional Hospital employs over 400 folks from all walks of life for various departments within the health care field.
Jobs and careers link for Houlton Regional Hospital.
There are local nursing facilities for seniors like Madigan Estates for jobs. Check Gardiner Nursing Home as another employment optoin. Assisted living like Community Living Association (CLA) for mentally and physically challenged to provide independence and dignity for a better life. Link for CLA employment in Houlton Maine.
Are you a carpenter, know how to use the business end of a hammer, skilled with other power tools?
Bring the skills, your saws, steel toed boots and nail pouch, holster for the air nailer to Houlton Maine.
Buildings Etcetera is one option for carpentry work. Contact Pete and Cathy Chase, the owners at Buildings Etcetera P.O. Box 949, 12 Mechanic Street, Houlton, ME 04730 Tel: (207) 532-9020 Fax: (207) 532-7560. Have a son who worked for Pete and his family. Alex learned lots of valuable carpentry skills that will serve him well for life.
Smith and Wesson makes a handgun, handcuffs, knives and provides other finishing services in Houlton Maine. At the first exit 305 on Interstate 95 as you enter in from Atlantic Canada, out in the vicinity of Houlton International Airport.
Louisana Pacific in New Limerick Maine creates engineered wood products and offers a variety of employment jobs options.
Houlton Maine is served by a cheap power producer that might be hiring too.
If you want to be the lineman for the County like the Glen Campbell song about living in Witchita.
Contact Greg Sherman at the Houlton Water Company for power, water, sewer employment jobs.
If you are an industry making a product or providing a service, consider the low cost community owner utility that HWC is to Southern Aroostook employers. Cheaper power because community owned means jobs happen because of the low cost electrical juice.
Josh McLaughlin runs a land building site preparation, ground work heavy construction operation and is worth a holler if you have heavy equipment skills. Double tap the J.McLaughlin Construction LLC link for possible excavation type employment if you need that kind of job in Houlton Maine.
The local produce farmers like Nature’s Circle provide seasonal field work positions.
Lots of other growers and shippers for potatoes, grains, hops, squash, broccoli and other agricultural products too in the local Houlton Maine job portal links above. If Green Acres is the life for thee.
Woods related forestry work in timbering is also an option for
employment in Northern Maine.
Trucking and transportation jobs of all kinds.
Because transportation is the second largest industry in our country.
Heating oil and gas dealer suppliers, car dealerships for new and used vehicles, banking in Houlton Maine. All possible job leads for Houlton Maine.
Cedar log homes, products in Aroostook County Maine Employment is here too!
You have a few of those employers in Northern Maine for possible jobs to scope out and track down. Ward Cedar Log Homes is headquartered in Houlton Maine with offices in town. And manufacturing facilities at Houlton International Airport. Katahdin Cedar Log Homes in Oakfield Maine makes a wonderful product and runs a lumber mill facility in the Ashland area too!
Schools in the greater Houlton Maine area are another excellent source of jobs.
The educational employment options are great and start by substituting if you have a degree, or as an ed tech until you get your feet wet. Settled and situation in Northern Maine and venture out to other job positions that open up in the local schools around “The County”.
School bus drivers, CDL big rig truck, heating oil tanker licenses never are a wasted professional wallet tool that will open doors and get you a job as a drive of all kinds in Aroostook County.
Or it may be time to go back to school for a degree in something you always wanted to do but the bills were too high living in the city to allow a change of career paths to take a new job. Adult education for a degree or vocational training options are here in Houlton Maine.
Will keep posting to this job seeking site for Houlton Maine employment.
Because if you need work, there is a job to provide that missing puzzle piece in the move to Northern Maine.
Don’t forget restaurant food service jobs, gas stations, groceries and local stores and motels, lodging providers that need workers. Start small, think big and heck. Take three small jobs that are part time but do the trick until something else more permanent or full time opens up. Timing is everything in life right?
Independent self employed folks that are a success out of state will apply the same work ethic and people serving skills to the profession here in Houlton Maine.
Can always use another mason, electrician, plumber, body shop dent remover for the fender benders that can happen on a slippery Northern Maine road before the state and local plow crews are on the scene.
Sanding driveways, plowing snow each storm, mowing lawns and yard work the other three seasons make Maine a job opportunity rich state.
If you can work, you will have a job, employment that can make you a comfortable living. Just remember to be friendly, show up on time, do quality work, don’t charge and arm and a leg for it.
Fix or repair clever individuals find their services are needed everywhere on the planet.
Houlton Maine could use another locksmith, tow truck operation, handy man for those little jobs that can keep a one man show as busy as they want to be year round. But you won’t have to make as much because house prices, insurances on the property and car are lower remember?
The local restaurants hire servers, folks to bus tables and help out the waiters / waitresses.
More on where to eat in Houlton Maine dining options for a resource.
The skill you have, the opportunities in our local Houlton Maine area are there for growth of jobs. Employment, jobs in the legal field are here. The elderly field of retiring local lawyers in this pretty Victorian town that is a County seat of Maine’s largest counties makes the area ripe for new young legal beagle professionals.
Just like Internet based positions, repair and connectivity options that all need technicians, management, employees to keep the information highway moving.
The Internet has opened up the fog horn to broadcast how low cost, simple living in Northern Maine is what folks are in a hurry to get to but without a job, that dream is delayed for most. Unless they have a ticket, an income that follows them here in retirement, the full or part time living in Aroostook County.
Northern Maine, where folks are friendly, it is not crowded, the air is fresh, the water clean and the scenery drop dead gorgeous.
Time is ticking by and our real estate office in Maine hears the sense of urgency to get to these parts as quickly as possible. Some bail out and make the move quickly if the right job in Houlton Maine opens up. Others are more deliberate and so so close to retirement that a relocation to Aroostook County has to wait, be put on hold for a spell.
WARNING: Local Northern Mainers are very hard workers as a rule.

Head’s up. Lazy is not a label any of us would take lightly and that is one fighting word that none want to be applied to describe the work ethic. You are competing with other potato picking as kids individuals that love to work, know how to work, are built to provide an honest day’s labor.
If you are looking for an easy ride relying on someone else to pull the wagon, that attitude won’t serve you well in Nothern Maine, through out Aroostook County I am afraid. In small Maine town living, word quickly spreads on who is a good worker, who is not pulling their share of the labor that ties in with a cheerful helpful attitude.
When work is not the topic or the day is done, with Canada nearby, it is a two nation vacation that originally gets the folks from out of state to consider relocation here. The younger locals that moved away never intended to stay that way.
Slowly one by one many find their way back to Houlton Maine, Aroostook County.
Elderly parents call them home, starting a small business opportunity may have opened up the relocation to Northern Maine. Or just being sick and tired of the rat race, stuck in traffic around lots

of not so friendly people gets old. So a job, any job and one that does not get brought home with you is a good thing.
More jobs for hire in Houlton Maine portals.
Government jobs in Houlton Maine, Southern Aroostook County. Jobs in Houlton Maine 04730.
Search for work, Houlton Maine jobs.
Another place to see who’s hiring for jobs in Houton Maine. But remember, not everyone posts jobs, splashes the employment news for new hires in the local news or on the web. Visit Houlton Maine in person and make the rounds, a personal contact.
Stop into our real estate office and we’ll give you contact numbers. Like advice for work on construction, street paving, dirt work operators, go see Grady Tidd at Steelstone Industries, etc.
One last thing in this help with finding jobs in Northern Maine blog post.
I have had retired real estate buyers not happy who decide to bag groceries and help take them out to the parking lot for customers. Or volunteering like they are showing up to a regular 40 hour a week job in Houlton Maine. Those kinds of folks are always welcomed with both arms and big smiles as new assets to the community flavor of local Houlton Maine, Aroostook County.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | |
MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton Maine 04730 USA