Working online jobs remotely from home in Maine.
Rural Maine real estate property listings are much cheaper and come with more land.

Small rural Maine communities are friendlier, more trusting and you feel like you make a difference volunteering.
Raising families or retiring in small town Maine is more attractive when the your friends and family all pitch in to make where you live the best place it can possibly be. No crime, little traffic, lower cost of living make small town living in Maine pretty attractive these days of the Coronavirus.
So working online jobs remotely from home in Maine is a popular search.
The key is the small town Internet broadband connectivity. The Internet speed if slow at a property for sale means working online jobs remotely from home in Maine at this real estate listing may not be possible.
Slow or no Internet rules out many property listings where working online jobs remotely from home in Maine can not happen. No one wants to see a ZOOM meeting crap out and freeze. It does not look professional. You miss much of what is happening at a ZOOM online meeting or any other cyber gathering if the Internet connection is poor or not dependable.
The list of gotta have or don’t want that a Maine real estate buyer scribbles out has a new top entry.
Strong, affordable, reliable broadband connections so working online jobs remotely from home in Maine is possible. What is the Internet connection I can expect from this property location, where the Maine real estate is for sale? The critical Internet connection during COVID19 to be able to work remotely and telecommute online means property site review contingencies are in the purchase and sale agreements. Plus people want to stay connected to shop, stay in touch with friends, to facetime with family not just attend ZOOM meetings online to work from home remotely.
I try to be pro-active and search available Internet providers and the package speeds offered.
Limits on the Internet usage and talking with other customers near the property for sale to learn how fond they are with their broadband provider is huge. Saves time for the property buyer who considers or removes this real estate listing from their search list. Based solely on the ability to work their job remotely from home in Maine online or not from this particular location.
The owner and I hammered out a list of what needs to be done before listing and I asked about his Internet broadband connection.
I did a speed test and a 284 megabyte result shows up out at this rural Aroostook County location. Impressive.Looked at a future real estate listing at a property in Littleton Maine this past Saturday.
The property is just off US RT 1 the main transportation artery up through ‘The County”. The couple converting a camp into a homestead ran 8 poles for power and paid $1600 to a cable company to run an Internet line to the home on the hill.
I have also had a listing sold where the online programmer used to come to Tim Horten’s for coffee once a day. Tim Horten’s free Internet allowed him to uploaded in twenty minutes what took him two hours in this poor Internet connection area in Cary Maine. The online remote Internet job user was stuck on a dead end road and with Hughes Net as his only real connection option.
As an aside, the fastest free Internet in Houlton Maine where I live?
Had Pioneer Wireless Internet’s Tim McAfee says it’s Irving Big Stop. Not sure why but maybe a corporate decision to offer the fastest Internet for free to wearing truckers and Interstate 95 and Trans Canada motorists who stop in to fuel up and have a bite to eat.
Working online jobs remotely from home in Maine, do you need strong connection speeds to the World wide web? My area of Maine has some pretty solid Internet broadband connections to consider. The many lake camps being turned into waterfront homes in Northern Maine depend on Internet heavily.
On Drews Lake where I live part of the year, the equipment for Internet is tapped to the max.
More blades need to be installed in the Internet PON and there are only so many pairs of bonded wires to pull off a strong consistent broadband connection. 25 megabytes is not 284 megabytes for a connection speed but it works fine for ZOOM meetings, keeping up with blogging, video, reaching out to help Maine real estate buyers or sellers.
The best investment a small Maine rural community can make in their area during COVD19 is into beefed up Internet connections.
Folks looking for a clean, affordable, friendly place to relocated and work remote jobs online have to have Internet these days.
Folks bring their higher paying online remote jobs with them for work is a very good trend for rural Maine that has been experience population decline. The loss of jobs in agriculture and forestry timber operations can rebound with online work from home remotely ones that travel to Maine thanks to technology. Small hidden rural areas of Maine that were losing population suddenly have reversed the trend.
Thinking of pulling up stakes where you live now?
Looking hard for a better place to call home sweet home? You’ve heard from many that Maine has a lot going for it. I tend to agree and love living in Maine. Here as the local insider to help show you the ropes, to give you the grand tour red carpet treatment. If you are already working from home in the sheltering in place, you know you can do it. Attend those ZOOM meetings up in Maine just as easily as some location in Boston, New York, Hartford, Providence or where you call home now. Make the move.
Do you have a job out of state that can travel to Maine with you? If you are considering working online jobs remotely from home in Maine, here to help you.